5 Promising Food App Ideas for 2021 – Food App Business Ideas 2021


The food business happens to be one of the most consistent sectors delivering growth and generating revenue provided that a restaurant delivers quality food. Nowadays, restaurants are targeting a particular niche and coming up with new and innovative food-providing services. And as the world has seen challenging times in the past year people today prefer ordering through these platforms instead of opting for dine-ins. Here we will talk about top food app ideas of 2021.

Apart from this, millennials account for the highest percentage of people who order food online. They prefer quick food delivery services with minimal human interaction. The worldwide market for food delivery has reached a whopping 83 billion USD and is expected to rise by 3.5% annually for the next five years.

This blog is for the food startups and restaurants that are looking for promising food app ideas to invest in 2021. The following blog lists the top 5 ideas that are worth investing in 2021.

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Top 5 Food App Ideas Worth Investing in 2021

Food apps have been booming for the past 5 years, the primary reason for this being the time it saves and the ease of ordering it invites into a user’s life. On the other hand, it accounts for quite healthy sales figures for restaurants.

As per surveys of online food platforms, the following facts and figures have become evident:

  • A good 74% of restaurants agree that online food platforms have increased their dine-in customers.
  • There is a 300% increase in online ordering as compared to restaurant visitors.
  • Today, more than 2.72 billion people are using smartphones. Due to such high figures, 95% of the restaurants agree that technology has improved their business efficiency.

The number speaks volumes for the point we’re trying to convey. If you’re thinking of investing in a food app idea then now is a perfect time. The below-mentioned ideas are some business prospects expected to offer high ROIs.

Diet Planning

Calorie Consumption & Diet Planning App

For the last few years, the wave of fitness has taken over the world. The hectic and fast life individuals live today demands one to stay fit at all times. Calorie consumption and diet planning apps can offer great discipline to a user’s food intake.
A dedicated app for the same can provide consumers with all their required information in one place. Imagine an app offering you personalized food charts and dietary guidelines to keep you healthy and fit. The app can also offer food suggestions as per a user’s different health considerations. Whether you’re following a Keto diet or practicing Intermittent Fasting, a healthy diet is the requirement of every dietary regime.
In addition to this, your app can also offer detailed nutrition charts. The user can work on various regimens based on clinical considerations, preferences, taste, availability, and much more. To make things more interesting your app can offer an ‘Explore it yourself’ section where the user can learn essential information on diets and suggestions and advice from experts on how to go about planning their diets and maintaining calories.
Packed Lunch & Dinner

Packed Lunch & Dinner App

This is a new concept in the food delivery app segment. With an evident increase in the time-poor lives, people are living today, there just isn’t enough time for cooking your meals. Along with this many people have time but don’t have the necessary resources to cook. So the concept of packed lunch and dinner has received a warm welcome from the users.
Time-poor families, people working in corporate offices, students, and other laymen can be your targeted niche. As corporate offices, schools, and colleges function around the year you will never have to worry about the orders. And who won’t appreciate a nicely cooked and healthy meal?
All you have to do is aggregate different food providers that offer packed lunches and dinners and hire delivery individuals who can work as freelancers. The restaurants that are already offering packed lunches will be ready to join your platform to generate additional revenue and apart from them, you can convince other potential restaurants to start with the service on a small scale. The idea holds a lot of futuristic potential with not that large of an investment.

Home Cooking Apps

Everyone isn’t equally inclined on ordering food from restaurants. Many individuals love cooking by themselves at their homes using their groceries. Well, you can offer an app for that too. Your app can offer recipes, a grocery list, and options to upload and share recipes with your friends and family.
Such apps are also gaining popularity over the world. One of the best examples of the same is the app named “BigOven”. The idea of BigOven made to Steve’s mind in 2003. With the app, you can carry your recipes anywhere and share your favorite recipes with anyone. BigOven was the first recipe app that was created for iOS, Android, and Windows. The app has 3.3 million registered users and has been downloaded 13 million times.
The preceding app can do wonders if you invest in the right things such as engaging UI/UX, authentic recipe collection, seamless app experience, and the likes.
Packed Lunch & Dinner

Table Booking App

How many times have you visited a restaurant and had to wait for an hour just because there wasn’t a free table? Frustrating…isn’t it? I think it’s rather challenging for an individual who is standing in front of their favorite restaurant and is hungry. To find a permanent solution to this problem many restaurants have started offering their personalized restaurant booking apps.
These apps allow the users to see all the tables listed by the restaurant that is available for booking. To make a booking a user has to check the date, time, and table availability. In addition to this, you can offer the option of pre-deciding the lunch or dinner menu, and an advanced payment facility. This would account for a seamless user experience with minimal interaction and interruption.
AR-Based App

AR-Based Food App

An AR-based food app that allows its consumers to explore restaurants, as well as their cuisines. It is a fairly new concept that has been introduced to the food industry since the advent of industry 4.0 techs.
These apps offer two primary functionalities. Firstly it offers you the information of all the nearby restaurants that have listed on your app just by scanning your location or place using your camera. Secondly, when you scan the menu of a particular restaurant the app offers visuals of how a particular cuisine would look, the ingredients used in creating that cuisine, and much more. Isn’t this cool?
The app offers such useful features. If it’s created using the right tech and a sound development team then it will gain popularity in no time.

Technource & its Food App Development Practices

Technource has received a fair amount of opportunities to create On-Demand Apps for our clients around the world. Our 9+ years in the professional IT sector have offered us the privilege of working on 500+ projects. We have a dedicated team of developers and designers who are technology enthusiasts and have a knack for working on complex problems and finding simple solutions to the same.

Our team members also possess expertise in working with Industry 4.0 techs and creating client-specific solutions. We offer web and mobile app development at some of the most cost-effective rates as compare to other regions of the world.

The case studies on some of our most prominent projects are available on our website. If you’re on a budget check, don’t worry! We also recommend our clients with MVP development practices that can help our clients dread carefully in the app world.

If you’re someone who has had innovative food app ideas in the recent past and are confused about what you should do about it. You should ring our bells. You can sign-up for a free consultation and we’d reach you in no time. Let’s catch up at the earliest.


Mr. Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit, An early-aged entrepreneur who always leads his team from the front and achieved success. As the founder & CEO of Technource, a top mobile app & Web development company, he made a global presence in a short time by offering custom software development, premium mobile apps, and website development services to global clients. In his free time, he loves writing. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites.

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