Benefits of Creating your own App like Clubhouse | Clubhouse like app development


The app world is unpredictable and highly rewarding if explored following the right practices. Clubhouse is an evident example of the same. The application has managed to capture the never-ending human frenzy using technology. With the contribution of the tech leader Elon Musk, the social media app Clubhouse has managed to hit global stardom in its beta phase.

Yet, how the app has managed to raise brows as an earning opportunity, and why did Elon Musk bother to become a part of the platform? The same are some of the questions we too were searching for an answer to.

We receive inquiries about the same from two groups of individuals. The first are the ones looking forward to developing an app like Clubhouse and the latter are individuals trying to be an active part of the platform to make money. Read-on to gain sound insights into the Clubhouse app.

Choose the Best-in-class Features for your App like Clubhouse_

Overview: Clubhouse Like App Business

Clubhouse happens to be an audio-chatting app. The platform is engineered and conceptualized by the Silicon Valley duo Paul Davidson and Rohan Seth. The app offers a platform that caters to a discussion between two or more individuals. It also permits spectators or listeners in this case who can listen to the discussions but cannot intervene during an ongoing one. If a listener wants to become a part of the discussion they should raise their hand and seek permission to join.
You can imagine this app to be a real-time podcast that can be listened to but can’t be stored or recorded to access the same in the future. The app offers an invite-only pass to members that use an iPhone. Yes, the Clubhouse app is only available for iOS platforms.
Subscribers are provided with the option to choose their field of interest while logging in and the ongoing and upcoming discussions are displayed. They have the option of entering and leaving a discussion at their convenience. The real-time exclusiveness that the conversations hold has given the app unique brand recognition.

Why the Clubhouse App has Gained such Recognition?

Why you should develop Clubhouse like your own app.

The app offers a unique way of real-time communication. Yet, the app’s recognition skyrocketed overnight when the tech expert Elon Musk and co-founder of the Robinhood, Vlad Tenev co-chaired a session.
The audio social app Clubhouse was launched in March 2020 and had 1500 beta users. Today the number of users has reached a whopping 2 million. The app’s popularity has been marketed in such volumes that Clubhouse memberships are getting black marketed.
Here are some of the evident reasons that account for the app’s popularity.
  • An idea with a unique value proposition – audio social interactions that cannot be recorded or stored.
  • Marketing from star celebs of different industries such as Mark Zuckerberg, MC Hammer, Ashton Kutcher, Elon Musk, Vlad Tenev, etc.
  • Consumers can become a part of the platform only using an invite-only entry mode.

Clubhouse Like App: Monetization Techniques

The clubhouse app has invested religiously in developing timeframes for developing a cutting-edge product. To join the party industries such as merchandising, advertising, event management, and more are looking for ways to monetize Clubhouse. Here are some of the monetization techniques that can work well with an audio social app like Clubhouse.


Imagine an Instagram celebrity with a million followers. Apart from their staple content, they always market products under the banner of their own “household favorites”. An app like Clubhouse can be marketed through these social channels where you can build an initial user base. After you gain enough followers, your app can charge brands for impaneling you in a discussion. The KPIs of such apps include per capita listenership, total audience, and engagement rate mapped through hand-raising, cross-questioning, and more.

B2B Business Model:

A social app like Clubhouse has to use straightforward monetization techniques to make money. As apps like Twitter and Instagram have already been aggregators for gathering huge chunks of audiences, yet influencers partner with each other and earn good business. With such apps, money becomes a by-product earned by allowing influencers to leverage your product.

Courses or Ask me Anything Sessions:

This is a form of an online crash course that can earn you money. To use this to its length you would need a subject-matter expert that is respected by a community of users. If you have both, then users won’t mind paying a few bucks to gain direct access to an expert. You can compare the same with the live sessions that are conducted on Instagram and Facebook, but this would strictly be an audio-only session.

Direct Marketing:

You will be familiar with the ads you receive while watching a YouTube video suggesting you buy a product from Amazon. The same can be used to monetize Clubhouse.

Rewarding Top Users:

Rewards are something all users look up to after investing their time or money in any application. Apps like YouTube and TikTok offer huge recognition and rewards to their top content creators. The content for an app like Clubhouse would be a bit different but no content creator would mind an extra tip.


Offering grants to authentic and promising content creators is also a way of monetizing. If we trust the speculations then Clubhouse is also planning a monetization model that invests in content creators by offering them grants. After social platforms gather a loyal and healthy user base they encourage their potential creators by offering them financial and technical assistance to help them continue their unique content creation trend.
Through its Adsense program, Google has been rewarding such individuals for a long time. Last year TikTok too set up a 200 million USD Creator Fund to reward the high-performing content creators.
This monetization trend has gained recognition over the past few years where the platform rewards the top 10% – 20% of their top content creators. Though these methods increase the cost of app maintenance but pay huge dividends in the longer run.


Your idea can be the connecting platform for many of the budding entrepreneurs around the globe. You already know what Dragon’s Den or Shark Tank has done for its users. Such rooms are open to public criticism and help investors to become a part of potential business ventures. If you’re looking for an opportunity to invest in the app development world, maybe this could be the one.

Wrapping Up:

The on-demand app development world holds a plethora of opportunities if done following the right practices. The market for such audio social apps is open for exhibiting creativity and experimentation. If you’re looking for a ground-breaking opportunity to explore the app development market, this is just the right time.

Technource, the top web & mobile app development company, is an experienced organization looking forward to offering our expertise to ideas with futuristic business potential. Let’s get in touch at the earliest if you hold a potential business idea under your sleeves. Just sign-up for a free consultation form on our website and we would get back to you in no time. Thank you for reading!

NOTE: By “Clubhouse like app” we mean, we will execute your app idea with existing app features and experience.


Mr. Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit, An early-aged entrepreneur who always leads his team from the front and achieved success. As the founder & CEO of Technource, a top mobile app & Web development company, he made a global presence in a short time by offering custom software development, premium mobile apps, and website development services to global clients. In his free time, he loves writing. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites.

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