5 Best Intermittent Fasting Apps for Weight Loss [App Development Cost]

People need the best intermittent fasting app so that staying fit can be easy for them. Dietitians also recommend this type of app.

They can know what to eat and what not, when to exercise and when not through mobile phones.

Intermittent fasting is an amazing business model because it provides a fitness solution even if you lack time and motivation.

Many Intermittent fasting (IF) apps have an intuitive interface because of the best on-demand app development company. they chose.

The cost of developing a fitness app is $30,000. AI technology is used to build health and fitness apps.

If you have plans to create an app like intermittent fasting or other fitness app, this blog offers the best solution. Let’s get started.

What Is an Intermittent Fasting App?

Intermittent fasting is all about ‘Eat-stop-and-eat’ or alternative periods of fasting.

Intermittent fasting can be carried out by trying several combinations of eating and fasting. For example, one can choose the conventional 16:8 schedule.

Fasting has been a part of human evolution. In the hunter-gatherer phase, we didn’t have the luxuries of a refrigerator, ready-to-eat foods, or supermarkets.

The availability of year-round food was also scarce. This turned our bodies to stay hungry for longer hours. Fasting also holds religious importance in Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism.

Here the individual would have to practice a fast for 16 hours while s/he can eat their desired meals in the remaining 8-hour period. Different fasting regimes can be inculcated by people as their bodies start getting used to the fasting process.

According to research, the stress of intermittent fasting causes an immune response. It repairs cells and produces positive metabolic changes (Hsps.harvard.edu).

Several Intermittent fasting apps have experienced unprecedented success in recent years. Let’s learn the statistics that would help paint a clearer picture.

Statistics About Fitness Apps

Statistics provide us with numbers that portray the way customers respond to a particular service. Here are some intriguing stats for health and fitness apps.

  1. At the start of 2019, the number of health and fitness apps on Google Play had reached 37, 154.
  2. In 2018, a survey concluded that 42% of US citizens agreed to use digital applications that help improve their fitness.
  3. According to Business Wire, between the years 2020-24, the health and fitness industry predicts a CAGR growth of 12%.
  4. An app named ‘MyFitnessPal’ amounted to a revenue total of 1.46 billion USD making it the 2nd most successful health and fitness app.

While the numbers predict an investable future it’s also important that we learn how we benefit by using an IF app.

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Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting leads to many health benefits. You can lose weight by weight tracking and an eating schedule.

A fasting timer on the intermittent fasting app helps to know weight loss progress.

Weight loss prevents many diseases, benefits heart health, reduces inflammation, and improves cell repair processes.

A set eating pattern stops you from eating all the time and overeating. You can easily lose weight and become healthy with the help of an intermittent fasting plan.

Intermittent Fasting Methods

Many best intermittent fasting apps offer different types of intermittent fasting plans. Here are the 5 intermittent fasting methods.

  1. Eat Stop Eat
  2. The 5:2 Diet
  3. Time Restricted Eating
  4. Alternate Day Fasting
  5. The Warrior Diet

Why Use an Intermittent Fasting App?

Sticking to the weight loss plan and keto diet without the help of an app is quite difficult these days.

An intermittent fasting app helps you make a weight loss plan and keep track of weight loss.

Many fasting apps are free to download. You can find the best intermittent fasting app.

Have a look at the reasons why you should download the best intermittent fasting apps only.

Track hours of fasting

Track hours of fasting

Help to burn fat and stay fit

Help to burn fat and stay fit

Keep you motivated for fitness

Keep you motivated for fitness

Access to personalized coach

Access to personalized coach

Works with any device

Works with any device

Easy to use

Easy to use

5 Best Intermittent Fasting Apps for Weight Loss

The concept of intermittent fasting is alien to a large part of the crowd. Let’s take a sneak-peak at how this process works and what the health benefit associated with the best intermittent fasting app is.

The top Intermittent fasting apps are as follows:

  1. Zero
  2. Life Fasting Tracker
  3. Body Fast
  4. Sunrise Fasting
  5. Fastient

Let’s get acquainted with the services they provide.

Different Types of Intermittent Fasting Apps

1) Zero


Zero has formed the world’s largest online fasting community. The app made its debut in 2017 and in such a short time it has managed to get 1 million downloads and over 2 billion fasting hours from its users. It is free to download.

The app keeps track of your fasting hours while suggesting the type of fasts you can practice. It manages its activity by figuring out when the sun sets in your region by fetching your location. The app follows an intuitive design that makes it user-friendly.

There are several types of IFs’ that one can follow depending on the number of hours they can go without food. Here’s a list of a few tried and tested IF methods that yield fruitful results.

The most natural form of fast is generally followed unknowingly in our day-to-day lives. Known as the Circadian rhythm it starts after our dinner at night and continues till morning until we have breakfast.

16:8 IF:

This is the 2nd and most conventional form used by people.
Celebrities such as Hugh Jackman and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson have also contributed to its popularity. It allows one to consume meals for 8 hours while they have to practice fasting for the remaining 16 hours respectively

Depending on your lifestyle you can choose whether to skip breakfast or dinner. The intermittent fasting apps help you reduce weight at a steady pace.

Depending on your lifestyle you can choose whether to skip breakfast or dinner. The intermittent fasting apps help you reduce weight at a steady pace.

18:6 IF: Following this, one has to fast for 18 hours while one can eat in the remaining 6 hours. It helps the body start using Ketones as fuel, reduces the excess Glycogen in your liver, and Autophagy removes the damaged cells of your body.

20:4 IF:  This holds a 4-hour eating window followed by a 20-hour fast.
This process is also known as OMAD (one meal a day). This helps one reduce weight at a quick pace, moderate autophagy, and ketone production.

The Monk’s Fast: A 36-hour fast that helps you reset your metabolism while promoting powerful cellular cleansing. It’s advisable to practice this fast once a week.

One can also try custom fasts that continue for 5 days.

2) Life Fasting Tracker

Life Fasting Tracker

The Life Fasting Tracker app was launched in late 2018 and surpassed 2, 50, 000 app downloads in 2019. This app offers a flexible fasting tracker that can add or subtract fasting hours at the user’s convenience.

The app is free to download and one can also keep track of their weight, glucose, circumference, waist, and ketones. The app also allows its users to form a social community where they can share their statistics and also DM any individual in their community.

If you explore the ‘Learn’ tab you can read and view various articles and videos in the ‘Learning Library’ that scientifically explain the importance and benefits of fasting. Other articles that provide sound information on other health topics are also available.

The app also has its feed where you can view and post updates, interact, and learn at the same time. It also helps a ‘faster’ feel motivated through their fasting days.

Under the ‘Profile’ section you can make note of your fasting statistics. From your weight to your hours of ketosis everything can be examined here.

3) BodyFast


The first version of the BodyFast app was released in January 2018. The app introduces a range of fasting methods that can be chosen. It also provides for a coach who’d decide how your fasting chart would be depending on your current weight and your desired goal.

A whopping 14 million people all over the globe use BodyFast. The app offers around 50 ways to practice IF like 16:8, 18:6, 5-2, and many more. The app not only keeps a tab on your weight, and other body measurements it also helps you monitor your water intake.

It also offers a “knowledge pool” to learn in-depth about intermittent fasting.

Having learned how these app functions let’s have a look at how they manage to generate revenue for the Stakeholders.

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4) Sunrise Fasting

Sunrise Fasting

It is a popular intermittent fasting tracker for iPhone users.

This app is suitable for people who have been trying to be fit or newbies looking to try intermittent fasting for the first time.

You can track your fasts with live progress and an hourglass timer countdowns to your end goal.

The feature ‘History’ provides you with details about your progress ever since you started to use the app.

It helps you with some quick tips to stay fit. Advice and information through curated articles add on to help you meet fitness goals effectively.

You can build a healthier lifestyle through fasting and videos provided on the app.

5) Fastient


It is an easy-to-use fasting tracker available on Google Play Store and Apple Store. You can know your progress before, during, and after a fast. It lets you track your daily achievements and journal symptoms, mood, weight, and more.

The app provides the flexibility to add and edit previous fast. Users can record their meals and monitor their fasting history.

You can set up various fasting schedules like the 16/8 method, the 5:2 method, alternate day fasting, and others on the app.

It provides tools to visualize and analyze fasting patterns and changes in your weight.

Business Model of Intermittent Fasting Apps

We must have a clear idea of how a particular app would earn us revenue. The health and fitness industry holds quite a few ways that can generate a steady revenue stream. These are the following ways in which IF apps generate revenue.

The Freemium version of the IF app offers access to basic features like time tracking, body stats, managing water intake, and a few more.

The user will sign up and take a survey. This survey would include a series of questions related to the physique and future goals of the user.

The app would be ready to use but will only offer basic limited features related to IF. One would have to pay for the premium features to access the app in its entirety.

Here are some features that can be used for premium members.

One can add on other features such as daily lessons, physical training, a nutrition guide, and many more.

Your premium content can also include health and fitness articles, audio segments, and exclusive videos related to fasting, weight loss, and other fitness-related subjects.

While this app takes care of an individual’s physical health it can be also used to keep track of their mental health.

Adding a questionnaire related to a user’s experience while fasting would allow them to visualize changes or improvements in their mental health.

Other than this guided meditation sessions will help create a perfect balance between mental and physical health.

One can introduce fasting zones as a way to track bodily changes during different phases of the fast.

Exercise schedules with videos and meal suggestions with recipes. The benefits of preceding upgrades are simple yet powerful. It can attract freemium users to opt for the premium version.

Advanced statistics that portray fasting relations with weight, mental health, sleep, heart rate, etc, is also a feature that can be used as a premium offering.

What Is the Cost of Developing an App Like Intermittent Fasting?

The cost of app development depends on various factors like app design, features, tech stack, developers’ cost, and others.

Here is the breakdown of the cost:

Cost of Business Analysis – 2000 to 3500

UI/UX Design Cost: 3500 -5500


1. Native app development:

Android App Development Cost(native): 6000 – 9000

iOS App Development Cost: 8000 -12000


1. Hybrid App Development Cost: 12000 -18000

2. Website Development Cost: 3,500 USD – 5,500

Project management: 3500 to 7000

An estimated intermittent fasting app cost is $30,000. However, the price can be lower and higher than this depending on your business requirements.

Tips and Strategies for Using an Intermittent Fasting App

If you have never followed an intermittent fasting diet with the help of an app, here are the tips for you. From setting fasting periods, weekly challenges, and scheduling diet plans, you can do many things to make your intermittent fasting journey easy. You can make a  personalized fasting plan on the app and integrate it with your Apple watch.

You can use the free version and move to the premium version. Download Android and iOS apps. You can download the Apple Health app from the Apple app store.

  1. Setting Goals and Tracking Progress
  2. Staying Consistent and Committed
  3. Integrating with Other Health and Fitness Apps
  4. Customizing the App to Fit Your Lifestyle
  5. Overcoming Common Challenges and Obstacles

1) Setting Goals and Tracking Progress

Users can customize their fasting periods, set goals, track progress, and do weight tracking, with the help of a fasting tracker. You can use the premium version after the free one to set your intermittent fasting periods.

2) Staying Consistent and Committed

Since you can track your weight loss journey, you can find how much weight you lose in how much time. Set your fasting schedule, it is easy as basic features are intuitive. You can stay consistent and committed to good eating habits. You can note everything in a visual food diary with the help of meal planning tips. Progress pictures will help you stay motivated.

3) Integrating with Other Health and Fitness Apps

Intermittent apps not only have basic features but also advanced ones in which you can integrate health and fitness apps into IoT devices like a smartwatch.

4) Customizing the App to Fit Your Lifestyle

You can make a diet program on a health app as per your need. Since most apps allow you to customize diet plans, you are free to set your goals as per your comfort. A weight tracker helps in fat burn. How much calorie intake do you require in a day? You can decide on it and progress to fit your lifestyle.

5) Overcoming Common Challenges and Obstacles

You have to examine your mentality for alternate-day fasting and another type of fasting methods. Preparing yourself to start fasting and moving to healthy recipes is quite difficult. You should seek assistance and stay motivated for desired results.

What Is the Cost of Building How to build an Intermittent Fasting App like Zero or BodyFast?

There are already myriad apps that provide health and fitness regimes. It’s imperative to build a unique app that promotes intuitive learning and is marketed in a way that grabs the attention of the targeted niche.

An IT Service provider is best suitable for mapping the preceding features with utmost efficiency and ease.

Product Roadmap

The path that one would follow while building an app in order to achieve their desired goal is termed the product roadmap.

We at Technource, prefer using the Agile-Scrum Framework. The Scrum framework is designed to serve value to their customers by getting things done while Agile is a set of principles and values.

One can’t just go Agile any moment as it takes a lot to change the way you think than to change the way you work. Scrum can be efficiently used to help one start thinking in an agile way and inculcate agile principles in their work and communication.

Scrum is a series of iterations called sprints. These short iterations help increase speed to market, reduce cost and risk, get quicker feedback, etc. You can learn in-depth about our Agile Scrum Framework from here.

Features of Intermittent Fasting Apps

  • Sign in/ Sign up
  • Easy-to-use dashboard
  • User profile
  • Health and fitness statistics
  • Fitness blogs, articles, and videos
  • Social media integration and Community sharing

How Can Technource Provide Assistance for Intermittent Fasting App Development?

Building mobile and web applications over the years has proven to be a learning curve as well as a time filled with opportunities.

A decade’s persistent hard work has helped Technource become an established IT service provider.

We have developed functional applications like ‘Hommati’ and ‘Aphro’. We use Java and Swift while making our native apps in Android and iOS.

Our services can also be availed in building cross-platform apps using Ionic, React Native, or Flutter.

We have developed our expertise when it comes to web application development. We do the same using PHP or .NET. Our clients also benefit from our Digital Promotional Services. This helps the newbies in the business reach their customers at a faster pace.

If you’re tight on a budget, we also deploy MVP solutions that can help you create your core app with essential features that defines your business.

An MVP would create a basic app with essential features that can be tested in the market. We can analyze user engagement and response and make appropriate updates in the future.

Our satisfied clients in over 12 countries speak volumes for the technical assistance we have provided. If you have an idea that would appeal to the health and fitness masses then Technourc awaits your presence.

Let’s conquer the fitness world together!

Frequently Asked Questions


What is intermittent fasting?


What are the health benefits of intermittent fasting?


How does an intermittent fasting app work?


Can an intermittent fasting app help me lose weight?


How do I choose the right intermittent fasting app for my needs?


Which are free intermittent fasting apps?


What is the easiest intermittent fasting plan?


Is AI app development expensive_ We can help you


Mr. Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit, An early-aged entrepreneur who always leads his team from the front and achieved success. As the founder & CEO of Technource, a top mobile app & Web development company, he made a global presence in a short time by offering custom software development, premium mobile apps, and website development services to global clients. In his free time, he loves writing. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites.

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