On-Demand App Based Business Ideas to Invest : Best App Ideas and On-Demand Business Models to Invest in 2021


We many times get burst of Ideas which we believe have great potential. We act on some while we let some pass by. But great business ideas are the ones that form at an intersection of timing, passion, and skills. For example, last year you might’ve thought that opening a nice pastry shop appealing to a targeted niche is a great idea. But if you’d had gone with that idea your business would’ve taken a serious hit since the start of 2020.

You might’ve learned by now that the world landscape can change at any moment. Especially since the advent of technology, where we see how new technologies are disrupting the way conventional businesses used to function.
Pandemic has also caused severe turbulence in how businesses functioned all over the globe. COVID has been a learning curve for startups and other established businesses. The challenging times have helped them explore new ways to do business and cultivated a resilient attitude for future battles.
2021, invites a wide spectrum of opportunities where lots of new app ideas and on-demand services are going to disrupt the current market trends. This blog offers insights on the same. Read on to know the top 5 futuristic app ideas that can be transformed into high revenue-generating businesses in 2021.
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Top 5 On-Demand App Business Ideas Worth Investing in 202

On-Demand Tutor Hiring App

The on-demand education market has seen some great heights in recent years. Especially with COVID altering the conventional learning practices in coaching classes, institutes, schools, and colleges, the education apps have found their way.

The success that some education platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and the likes have received is astounding. Learning is a continuous process and an independent one. For the first time in the history of humankind have we received the convenience of learning whatever skill we want to, with just a few clicks while sitting in our comfortable homes.

These platforms allow users to choose whatever course they want to and complete the same at their convenience. Other unexplored business models can make way for other successful education apps. One of them is the personal tutor hiring app. A lot of subjects or courses are such that they demand the presence of a physical teacher to quicken the learning process.

An on-demand tutor hiring app could simply the learning process to a great extent. It’s natural that all the students don’t possess the same grasping power and may require personal assistance while learning. This app would serve that purpose efficiently.

An app as such would allow its users to access the tutors around them. The tutors interested in offering their knowledge and increasing their incomes will have to register on the platform and provide the necessary documents for verification. Similarly, students would have to sign-up on the platform, choose the course or subject they want to learn, and pay the amount charged by the tutor.

The platform will then connect the tutor and the student and will take a cut from both ends.


On-Demand Laundry Service

Laundry service is a common necessity for everyone irrespective of the profession they’re in. A basic necessity yet no renowned apps for the same. If you imagine your own life and the people around you, doing your laundry can be one of the tasks that you procrastinate a lot and end up doing it yourself when you’re in dire need of fresh clothes.

Many time-poor individuals can make the best of it by choosing the laundry service providers surrounding them. Their rates, cleaning methods, and other service-related details can be examined by the user like one examines restaurants on Uber Eats or Doordash.

The delivery executive would collect the laundry from the user and deliver it to the service provider and vice-versa. A business model similar to on-demand food delivery, that makes sure you have clean clothes at your convenience.

On-Demand Meal Making App

This is a fairly new concept in the food market. Imagine a day when you don’t feel like ordering from a restaurant but still want to try something new. This on-demand meal-making app would work just right for you then.

It always happens that we’ve so many items stocked in our refrigerator and we have no idea which new dish we can cook from them. Using this app if you add the ingredients available with you, it would suggest different recipes that you can try using those ingredients.

Such a cool way to save money yet try something new or healthy every day. The app would search for recipes that can make your taste buds dance and invite surprises into your day-to-day lives.

Many individuals are always indecisive about what they will eat for lunch or dinner. An on-demand meal-making app with myriad options could ease people’s lives and save time and money.

An app named ‘SuperCook’ has already figured out the need for such a service and is capturing their niche. On-demand food delivery apps succeeded because they tapped into people’s dire needs and saved them a lot of time and resources.

But it’s a reality that everyone cannot afford the on-demand services regularly and so an on-demand meal-making app can work wonders for people who want to try something new every day or have budget restrictions to adhere to.

On-Demand Fitness Trainer Hiring App

In the history that we’ve lived on this Earth, there has never been a time where individuals all over the globe were so conscious about their health and fitness. Yoga, gym, cycling, sports, gymnastics, Zumba, and many more options are available today. But what often happens with people is the lack of personal guidance to continue with the same motivation walking the long and patient path to fitness.

An on-demand fitness trainer hiring app can solve this problem for good. A customer can browse different forms of exercises and hire personal trainers for the same. The app should not only offer different forms of exercises to choose from but also insights on what benefits each form offers.

So, an on-demand fitness trainer hiring app would act as your rightful orientation to your fitness world. You can choose your fitness program, trainer, and timing at your convenience. This app would allow you to seek personal counseling on how you should go about maintaining your fitness.

City Guide App

City guide apps also have a great future in the coming years and one of the evident examples of the same is the app named ‘FourSquare’. These are social networking services that allow users to perform several actions like:

  • Checking in
  • Reviewing places, restaurants, etc
  • Connecting with friends
  • City Guide and much more

A new feature that can be added with the above ones is suggesting places of interest to the user through location tracking. This feature can be really useful to tourists and can save them a lot of time and resources when traveling to remote locations.

Like the FourSquare app offers ratings and reviews on restaurants that have been added by other users. This inculcates trust among new users and motivates them to do the same so that their experience can be of use to others.

The app has a wide area that they can explore in the future. Other services like suggesting theaters, bus timings, emergency medical assistance, and the likes can be added in the future.

On-Demand tag

Technource and its App Development Practices

App development has been an over the years cultivated expertise of Tecnhource. We’ve been fortunate that our clients have placed trust in our capabilities and we’ve delivered satisfying results and earned a reputable name for ourselves.
‘On-Demand App Development’, is a sector of app development that we dominate. We’ve created many successful on-demand apps such as ‘Hatch’ and ‘Just Errands’ that have made us explore our capabilities and compelled us to deliver more than what we expected from ourselves.
We offer app development services using native as well as cross-platform technologies such as Java, Swift, and Flutter, or React Native. 9+ years of experience and a sound development team allow us to take on any challenge and come through with flying colors.
We also offer MVP development and future technical assistance to our clients. Our previous work and our client’s testimonials speak volumes for our services. If you’re someone who wants to conquer the app market in the coming years then On-Demand App Development is what you should be opting for. Let’s connect at the earliest and create something that can help millions only with a few clicks.

Mr. Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit, An early-aged entrepreneur who always leads his team from the front and achieved success. As the founder & CEO of Technource, a top mobile app & Web development company, he made a global presence in a short time by offering custom software development, premium mobile apps, and website development services to global clients. In his free time, he loves writing. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites.

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