How to test a mobile application? A secret of making quality app

Mobile phones are now an essential part of life. Several tasks are done effectively with the help of them. Applications on mobile phones have made many works of humans easy and fast. As of 2023, there are around 7 billion smartphone users worldwide. There are around 9 million mobile apps worldwide, making the best app development a fierce competition. The software application testing process includes various stages.

Every Mobile app development company tries to follow the best app testing techniques to reduce rework and maintain the success rate of their apps. An app has to go through various testing processes, some processes are manual while some require tools. In this blog, we are going to uncover the secret of making quality apps.

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What is mobile app testing?

To create quality apps in every aspect be it functionality, services, features, designs, scalability, or creativity testers check them rigorously. Testing is a process of making apps error-free and up-to-date according to the trends in the market. Software application testing is not after the app process, it starts along with the mobile software development lifecycle. 

So, mobile app testing is the process of checking apps for functionality, usability, and performance on various devices. It ensures that apps are working well, are user-friendly, and don’t crash. Impeccable testing reduces the amount of work needed for immediate Software maintenance.

Around 48% of people leave using an app if it is slow. So, quality analysts check the app for its speed for a better customer experience. Various other facts about an app’s performance and quality exist that we will discuss as we move ahead in the blog.

Why is mobile application testing important?

Mobile application testing is crucial due to various reasons. You must have known them already, but reading about them again will help you understand how to test a mobile application software effectively.

  1. Quality Assurance
  2. User-satisfaction
  3. Cost Efficiency
  4. Brand Reputation
  5. Market Competition

Here is an explanation of each point as to why mobile application testing is important. Scroll down to read.

1) Quality Assurance:

In the present time, people run short of time for everything. So, they can’t set for an app not good at quality. Quality assurance plays a pivotal role in mobile app testing. It guarantees seamless functionality across diverse devices, preventing crashes or glitches that users might encounter.

It’s about ensuring a smooth user experience irrespective of the device used, by meticulously addressing potential issues. Quality is also meant by security and data privacy. Around 30% of users uninstall apps because of security issues. Quality assurance includes checking all the aspects of testing.

2) User Satisfaction:

Satisfied users are more likely to become regular users of your app. Mobile app testing focuses on early issue detection and resolution, aiming for a seamless user experience. User satisfaction can be achieved by creating impeccable functions, innovative designs, and smooth navigation.

It enhances overall satisfaction. This proactive approach prevents potential frustration users might encounter during app usage. Covering too much space on a device by an app also affects user satisfaction. Around 50% of users uninstall the app because of it.

3) Cost-Efficiency:

Imagine, as you are done building an app without testing processes, it starts having issues, and users complain about its poor performance. Now you and your team have to rework, which means more resources and money is needed. If you test an app after each sprint, it reduces the need for rework and saves a lot of money.

Testing effectively curbs the need for extensive fixes. By detecting and rectifying potential problems beforehand, it optimizes resource allocation, saving time and expenses that might arise from addressing critical issues later. Your proactive approach will lead to a cost-effective software development lifecycle.

4) Brand Reputation:

Mobile app testing is crucial for protecting brand reputation in many aspects. Ensuring an app function’s reliability across various devices and delivering a consistent, high-quality experience, upholds the brand’s image. Potential issues can be resolved before launching the app if you follow rigorous testing methods.

It prevents negative user experiences and saves your brand’s name from tarnishing. Imagine, the Uber app is not working properly, getting hung and slow, then people will not consider it the developers’ fault, they talk ill about the Uber company. Providing a complex registration process also affects the brand’s image as people expect everything to be fast and super easy.

5) Market Competition:

Effective mobile app testing is instrumental in performing better in a competitive market. It ensures that your app delivers a reliable and efficient experience to users, setting it apart from competitors. By emphasizing quality and reliability, app testing enhances the app’s reputation and position.

It fosters user trust and loyalty in the crowded marketplace. Avoid using obsolete designs and functions. Research the market and analyze what are the mobile app development trends. For example, showing app notifications frequently is an old marketing tactic. Also, streamline and reduce the number of notifications to perform better among competitors.

Want a bug-free application for your online business_

Types of mobile apps

Before learning how to test a mobile app effectively, understand the types of mobile apps as they affect software application testing processes.

  1. Native mobile apps
  2. Web apps
  3. Progressive web apps
  4. Hybrid mobile apps

Learn about the different types of apps for better and more informed app testing for your online business growth.

  • Native mobile apps:

Native mobile apps run on a specific platform or Operating system like Android, iOS, and Windows phone. You can’t use the Android app on iPhone. So, native mobile apps are developed for specific platforms using platform-specific languages.

Developers have to build device-specific features and provide high performance. You can download these apps from platforms like Google Play Store or App Store.

Example: Hive, Instagram, Discover

Also Read: Steps of deploying an app to the Google Play Store

  • Web apps:

Web apps are accessed via web browsers, not downloaded and installed like native apps. These apps are designed to work seamlessly on different devices and platforms. A server contains web applications. When a user requests any query, it goes to the server and fetches information on the user’s browser.

Web apps are different from websites. Web apps have dynamic features while website has static features. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, and many other tools and programming languages are used to build web apps.

Examples: Pinterest, Uber, X, MakeMyTrip

  • Progressive web apps:

They have features of both web and mobile apps, offering a native-app-like experience. Progressive web apps are accessible through web browsers but with functionalities similar to native apps. They can even work offline and provide features like push notifications. You can learn about the positives and negatives of progressive web apps.

  • Hybrid mobile apps:

Hybrid apps combine the features of native and web apps. They are generally web apps that have features of native apps. Various web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are used to develop hybrid apps.

It is deployed through app stores and can access some device features.

Examples: Instagram, Facebook, Gmail

Key strategies for testing mobile apps

As we know testing is not a one-time task, it is done at various stages. Creating the best strategies for testing is vital for the impeccable completion of tasks. Here I have curated effective testing strategies for you.

  • Create a comprehensive test plan:

With planning achieving specific goals becomes easy. The chances of mistakes can also be decreased by creating a complete test plan. For this, setting clear objectives, scopes, and methods for testing becomes easy to handle. It means outlining scenarios that cover how the app works, its performance, and the user experience.

It’s essential to establish specific criteria that determine whether the tests pass or fail, ensuring a thorough evaluation of app functionalities and features. This plan helps in systematically testing every aspect of the app, ensuring its quality before release.

  • Utilize automation tools:

Utilizing automation tools involves using frameworks like Appium and Selenium for automated testing. These tools help automate repetitive tasks, speeding up the testing process and also make sure productivity.

By running a regression test, developers can ensure that any new changes or updates don’t negatively affect the existing functionalities of the app. This approach saves time, increases accuracy, and allows for more proper testing during the entire development process.

  • Test across various devices and platforms:

Testing across various devices and platforms involves compatibility checks on different devices, OS versions, and screen sizes. It ensures the app works well on both iOS and Android platforms, addressing their specific functionalities and behaviors.

This process helps identify and fix any issues related to platform differences. Ensuring a consistent and dependable user experience across various devices and operating systems is very important. It’s crucial to cover these aspects to reach a broader user base.

Also Read: What is white box testing?

Steps to conduct mobile app testing

Conducting a mobile app involves various steps. Read and follow them for quality app development for your users.

  • Planning
  • Test design
  • Testing
  • Regression testing
  • Automation
  • User acceptance testing
  • Feedback implementation

Learning about each step will empower you to develop an error-free and robust app.

1) Planning:

It is crucial to establish clear objectives and strategies for better planning and ultimately better mobile application. So, set specific and measurable objectives for what the testing aims to achieve, such as ensuring functionality, usability, or performance. You should define the boundaries of testing, otherwise, it can extend to no limit.

Outline what will be tested, which features or functionalities, and what will not be covered. Determine testing methodologies and techniques to be employed. It includes the types of tests, testing approaches (manual and automated), and tools to be used.

2) Test design:

During the test design phase of mobile app testing, focus on creating the blueprint for testing activities. Develop detailed test cases that encompass functional aspects, usability, performance, and security. Many times, users encounter different scenarios while interacting with the app, outline and note them.

This includes typical user journeys, edge cases, and possible error scenarios. Ensure that the test cases cover all essential aspects of the app to validate its functionality. It also validates usability, and performance, under different circumstances.

Identify the devices, operating systems, and screen sizes where the app will be tested. It ensures comprehensive coverage across various environments. Define the scenarios in which users are likely to encounter mistakes while using the app. It helps in designing test cases and ensures the app fulfills its user’s expectations.

3) Testing:

The app is tested across diverse devices, operating system versions, and screen sizes. This ensures it works seamlessly on various platforms. Testing verifies that all features function properly on an app. It evaluates the app’s ease of use and ensures a smooth and intuitive user experience.

The test assesses the app’s performance in terms of speed, responsiveness, and stability under various conditions to ensure optimal results. You should conduct a compatibility check to ensure the app operates seamlessly on various devices.

4) Regression testing:

Regression testing is an essential aspect of app development aimed at maintaining the stability and reliability of an application over time. Its primary focus is to ensure that recent updates, modifications, or fixes do not introduce new bugs. It also shows issues in the previously working functionalities.

This process involves retesting the previously validated features to confirm that they still work correctly after implementing new changes. By conducting regression tests, developers want to hold the app’s quality. They ensure that updates don’t negatively impact its overall performance and functionality.

This step is crucial to maintain the app’s consistency and stability throughout its development lifecycle.

5) Automation:

Automation means using specialized software tools like Appium or Selenium to streamline and expedite the testing process. These tools enable testers to automate repetitive tasks such as running identical tests across multiple devices or operating systems versions.

By leveraging automation, developers can swiftly execute various tests, including regression testing, functional testing, and UI testing. This approach significantly reduces the manual effort and time required for testing. It ensures quicker identification of potential issues or bugs.

Automation tools facilitate better coverage and enable more comprehensive test scenarios. “It enables developers to concentrate on intricate aspects that require human skills.”

6) User acceptance testing:

User acceptance testing means when the app is deployed and available for users, how they will react. Whether the users will like the app or not. Many times, developers miss out on the errors in making and get to know about them when the app is on air or available for users.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) involves real users, often representative of the app’s target audience, to evaluate the application before its final launch. These users conduct tests to check the app’s usability, functionality, and overall user experience in real-world settings.

Their feedback and observations are collected to identify any issues or areas needing improvement. It allows developers to make necessary changes and adjustments. UAT ensures that the app aligns with what users want. It also provides valuable insights for refining the product before it reaches a broader market, therefore enhancing its chances of success.

7) Feedback implementation:

Whatever responses you get from the real users note them and implement them to enhance the app’s performance. Feedback implementation involves analyzing the feedback received during testing, particularly from users, and using this information to improve mobile applications for a better user experience.

This Software application testing process includes identifying areas for enhancement based on the feedback. Developers can prioritize necessary changes and implement updates and fixes. By addressing user concerns or suggestions, developers aim to refine the app’s functionality, usability, and overall performance.

The process ensures that the end product is better suited to meet the needs and expectations of the users. This approach enhances the user experience and boosts the app’s marketability. Many app development companies provide app maintenance services in which they consider user feedback as well.

Also Read: What is black box testing?

The secret to ensuring quality in mobile apps

Almost all developers follow the same processes to test mobile applications, then what is a secret in it? As I already mentioned software application testing is a long and tedious process, so making mistakes is obvious.

  • Iterative testing approach:

Iterative testing involves continuous cycles of testing, feedback, and improvement. It focuses on repeated testing phases throughout the app development process. This method allows for the identification and rectification of issues at various stages, ensuring a more refined and polished final product.

Make sure you also consider that your budget aligns with the software development. Overspending on app testing can increase your overall budget. To avoid this issue estimate custom software development cost in the beginning, inclusive of app testing cost.

  • Importance of user feedback:

User feedback is crucial for app enhancement. Continuous feedback loops enable developers to address user concerns, preferences, and suggestions, ensuring ongoing improvement. These improvements should align with users’ needs. This process fosters a responsive and user-centric approach. It enhances the app’s quality and relevance over time. Users are many, so developers get to know the different perspectives on a single app.

Best practices and common pitfalls to avoid

Hurdles will occur, demotivation will happen, skills will be lacking, and many other issues will appear during app testing. Developing custom software solutions for enterprises  requires time, effort, and precision. Following the best practices can reduce the number of issues that occur while testing an app for an enterprise. Here we have curated some of the best practices along with common pitfalls so that you can create a quality app effectively and on time.

  • Best practices for app testing:
  • Define clear testing objectives, scope, and methodologies
  • Create comprehensive test cases with detailed test scenarios covering functional, usability, and performance aspects.
  • Test the app on various devices, OS versions, and screen sizes for compatibility
  • Utilize automation tools for repetitive tasks and regression testing
  • Engage real users for UAT to gather valuable feedback, Implement iterative cycles for continuous improvement.
  • Actively incorporate user feedback for refining the app


  • Common pitfalls to avoid:
  • Delaying testing until later stages can result in costly fixes.
  • Failing to test on diverse devices may lead to compatibility issues
  • Ignoring user opinions can result in missing crucial improvements
  • Use automated testing wisely so that it complements not replaces manual testing.
  • Unclear goals can lead to ineffective testing strategies. Make goals after proper analysis.


Software application testing involves various stages to test functionality, scalability, security, and many other things. Learn the steps of app testing and avoid issues in your app. Adhering to best practices and avoiding pitfalls helps achieve impeccable outcomes. You can also talk to experts at Technource and ask how they are going to test your app.

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Mr. Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit, An early-aged entrepreneur who always leads his team from the front and achieved success. As the founder & CEO of Technource, a top mobile app & Web development company, he made a global presence in a short time by offering custom software development, premium mobile apps, and website development services to global clients. In his free time, he loves writing. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites.

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