Top 10 PHP websites that are leading businesses

45% of all internet websites use PHP programming language. The language is powerful enough to suit different requirements of website development. That’s why most businesses prefer it for their websites. There are many PHP website examples available that prove how powerful is PHP programming language.45% of all internet websites use PHP programming language. The language is powerful enough to suit different requirements of website development. That’s why most businesses prefer it for their websites. There are many PHP website examples available that prove how powerful is PHP programming language.

PHP is a silent architect behind some of the most dynamic and influential websites on the internet. I will talk about the top 10 PHP websites revolutionizing industries and redefining online experiences. You can hire the best web development firm to build websites based on from eCommerce empires to immersive media platforms.

These websites are not just leading businesses, they are improving the future of online engagement. The market share of PHP is 21.5% making it the most essential general-use programming language. Many popular companies with high-traffic websites use PHP as this language can handle traffic and has great scalability potential.

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A quick introduction to PHP

After 19 years of release, PHP is still very popular among businesses, developers, and software development companies. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, it integrates into web pages, enabling the creation of interactive and engaging websites. The open-source nature of PHP and its extensive library of functions make it a favorite among developers worldwide.

From crafting simple websites to complex applications, PHP’s potential has revolutionized web development. The latest version 8.2.0 of PHP was released on 8th Dec 2022. And the most used version of PHP is version 7, it powers around 60% of websites.


Besides, in the era of generative AI, when people can create websites using tools like ChatGPT, the importance of PHP developers is still increasing. Do you think that ChatGPT can replace programmers?

Advantages of using PHP

An ample number of advantages are offered by PHP to websites that make them more effective. As we know PHP’s prowess makes it the best website for various industries. From small to large businesses PHP plays a crucial role in the growth of these businesses. Here are some reasons for choosing PHP for your next project.

  1. Ease of use:

    Learning PHP is easier than Java and other programming languages. So, it makes the language the first choice of aspiring developers. Its user-friendly syntax and simplicity in writing codes attract many new developers to make a career in this language.
    Developers can write concise and readable code and reduce the complexity associated with the project. Its simplicity makes it easier for developers who just entered the world of coding. The availability of numerous online sources, videos, notes, and vast community support further assists in learning and problem-solving.

  2. Open-source:

    PHP is free to use because of its open-source nature and a vast community of developers. A vast community leads to extensive documentation, frameworks, and libraries that not only help new developers but also make development for intermediate-level developers. Businesses can avoid expenses related to buying a license to use a programming language. Many PHP website examples also offer the same features.

  3. Platform independence:

    PHP runs seamlessly on various platforms which makes it easy for developers to use the language with comfort. PHP can run on Windows, Linux, macOS, and more. Developers can write codes on these platforms with consistency and smoothness. Many programming languages demand a specific environment to work effectively without error, but things are different with PHP.
    Developers can save their time and effort using PHP as they can create web applications without the need for a specific environment. The consistent performance of PHP across various platforms makes it a suitable programming language for various projects.

  4. Fast processing:

    PHP’s server-side execution enables rapid web page loading by processing the code on the server. It reduces client-side processing. It optimizes loading time to enhance user experience. PHP also helps in quicker page rendering which you can find in the PHP website examples.

  5. Supports web security:

    Built-in security functionalities of PHP enable developers to establish a baseline security level for the project. PHP supports encryption, which again aids developers in encrypting sensitive data. With the help of effective features of PHP, developers can verify user identities securely. So, the PHP programming language’s emphasize on security increases the interest of developers and businesses in this language.

  6. Scalability:

    Developers will not have to worry about the varying sizes of websites. Whether it is a small or large website development project, developers can handle it effectively because PHP is scalable. Developers can craft applications ranging from small, simple websites to intricate, enterprise-level solutions.

  7. Community support:

    PHP has extensive support from a vast developer community. It offers code libraries, documentation, tutorials, blogs, and others. You can find various YouTube videos on PHP programming language to learn it. Many developers share insights about the language through their blogs.

  8. Versatility:

    PHP can handle different types of tasks like generating dynamic page content and allowing developers to create interactive web pages. The dynamic nature of PHP increases user engagement. PHP supports session management that enables the maintenance of user-specific data.
    Moreover, PHP seamlessly manages form submissions and processes user input data. These are the benefits of using PHP for website development for businesses. This is why so many websites still use PHP. You will know PHP website examples for it.

Websites using PHP for businesses

Sometimes, you must be thinking “Who are the people still using PHP?”. I also wonder about this question because there are many other languages than PHP with effective features; despite this fact many websites still use PHP.

Let’s know the best PHP website examples below.

  • Popular websites using PHP

    1. Facebook
    2. Wikipedia
    3. WordPress
    4. Mailchimp
    5. Tumblr
    6. UI
    7. Slack
    8. Yahoo
    9. Flickr
    10. Mozilla

You must be wondering how many websites still use PHP. Let’s move ahead to learn about these PHP websites in detail and understand why such big companies still rely on an almost two-decade-old programming language.

  1. Facebook:

    The back-end architecture of Facebook relies on the PHP programming language. Its dynamic nature allows Facebook to generate personalized and real-time content based on user interaction and preferences. It includes showing news feeds, personalized content streams, and notifications. Facebook is one of the best PHP examples.

    Facebook has to manage user inputs session data, and various forms of engagement such as likes, comments, and share. PHP is capable of managing vast amounts of data efficiently within Facebook’s system. PHP handles the storage of data, videos, images, processing, and other different types of content shared on the platform.

    This one of the effective PHP website examples serves as the backbone of Facebook for its backend systems and services like profile customization, friend requests, and messaging.

  2. Wikipedia:

    Wikipedia relies extensively on PHP. It enables seamless content creation, editing, and management. PHP powers the backend system responsible for managing the large repository of articles, images, references, and other content on Wikipedia. It allows for easy navigation, and searchability, and categorizes information accordingly.

    PHP provides a flexible editing environment which is vital for Wikipedia. Users can modify existing articles, add citations, update information, and collaborate with other users in real time. Additionally, PHP also helps in handling templates, markup languages, and others.

    Wikipedia’s dynamic pages, generated using PHP, present up-to-date information. The information is based on user queries. Overall, PHP is crucial for Wikipedia’s content management system. Users from across the world can contribute, edit, and manage an extensive knowledge base.

  3. WordPress:

    WordPress is a widely used content management system and heavily relies on PHP. This language forms the core of WordPress and provides various frameworks for managing website content. It includes posts, pages, media, and user comments. PHP powers the user-friendly interface of WordPress.

    PHP’s flexibility enables WordPress users to customize their websites extensively using themes and plugins developed in the PHP programming language. It enhances appearance, functionality, and features without requiring advanced coding knowledge. Real-time content updates are crucial in WordPress sites and PHP is an effective and useful language for this type of site.

    WordPress driven by PHP can handle diverse needs from individual blogs to enterprise-level websites. It presents PHP’s scalability and adaptability. PHP serves as the backbone of WordPress, empowering users worldwide to create, customize, and manage websites efficiently.

  4. Mailchimp:

    Mailchimp is one of the best PHP website examples. It is a renowned email marketing platform, that relies on PHP for its backend operations. PHP a server-side scripting language powers the dynamic functionalities of MailChimp. It facilitates the creation and management of email marketing campaigns.

    It includes handling user interactions, processing data input, and managing the diverse functionalities associated with email campaigns such as analytics, campaign customization, automation, and contact lists.

    T he use of PHP enables Mailchimp to efficiently process and manage vast amounts of data. It ensures a seamless experience for users engaging with their email marketing campaigns.

  5. Slack:

    Slack uses PHP for various server-side functionalities. This communication platform utilizes different programming languages for its core functionalities. So, it also integrates PHP for specific server-side functionalities. PHP is often used to manage aspects related to integrations that’s why it is one of the PHP website examples

    It includes handling API requests, processing data, and facilitating communication between different systems or applications integrated with Slack. PHP enhances the seamless operations of various third-party services or tools that connect with Slack. It ensures efficient communication and collaboration within the platform.

  6. Yahoo:

    Yahoo has a history of using PHP in its backend operations and various services. Well, they have transitioned away from PHP for certain functionalities over time, PHP played a significant role in powering aspects of their platform such as dynamic web pages, data processing, and server-side functionalities.

    PHP was instrumental in handling user interactions, database operations, and other server-based tasks that contributed to the functionality and interactivity of Yahoo’s services.

  7. Flickr:

    Flickr is a renowned platform for sharing and organizing images and videos. It used PHP for its backend functionalities. Through PHP Flickr helped people in uploading, managing, and sharing multimedia content on their platform.

    PHP powered the backend logic, handling various operations such as file management, user interactions, and data processing. It enables the seamless upload and organization of visual content.

  8. Mozilla:

    It uses PHP for different backend processes. Mozilla is recognized largely for its Firefox web browser. It incorporates PHP for diverse backend operations. PHP serves as a vital tool within Mozilla’s infrastructure. It facilitates server-side scripting and managing data processing.

    The use of PHP allows Mozilla to handle various backend functionalities, that contribute to the seamless operation and management of their web services and applications.

Here are some of the other websites for you powered by PHP programming language.

Sites using php only recently

  1. Ebay
  2. Redfin
  3. Flashtalking
  4. Coupang
  1. Ebay:
    While not exclusively PHP, eBay integrated PHP into its tech stack for backend functionalities. It uses PHP for many different server-side scripting operations and supports some microservices.

  2. Redfin:
    Redfin is known for its real estate platform. It uses PHP for its backend operations, including server-side scripting operations like data processing and website interactivity.

  3. Flashtalking:
    It is a digital advertising platform that utilizes PHP in its backend processes. PHP supports various aspects of its platform operations.

  4. Ebay:
    It is a significant e-commerce platform that uses PHP for backend scripting, managing data processes, and enabling server-side functionalities that contribute to its online retail operations.

    It is a Ukrainian Real Estate platform that utilizes PHP for its backend operations. It also enables server-side scripting and supports various functionalities.

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How to develop a PHP website?

Every part and each feature on the website is not random or put mindlessly. Everything you see on the page is planned and worked effectively. So, PHP website development includes many stages, resources, and developers. Well, the website development stages are similar for applications as well. When you hire Android app developers also make sure you discuss SDLC.

Steps to develop a PHP website

  1. Requirement gathering:

    Why do you want to build a website? How it is going to help people? What services will you offer to customers through the site? What will be the features and functions? Many other questions should come to your mind before you actually begin website development. Research is the best way to gather information. Find the software development trends for businesses and add them to your requirement list.

  2. Tech stack selection:

    Which programming languages and technologies will you use for the development of a PHP website? Gain basic knowledge about the PHP frameworks and decide which will be the most suitable for your project. Many tools are present in the market to help developers make their process easy and fast.

    The tech stack of a website plays a crucial role in setting the performance of the website. Many times people have to seek developers for website migration to improve performance. So, select the right technology at the right moment.

    The image shows the most important technology skills in the PHP tech stack in 2022


  3. Design:

    The impressive design of a website can easily attract many people and spend time on the site. Make navigation super easy for visitors so that they feel satisfied while roaming on the site. Define the site’s purpose before you start designing because knowing the purpose gives a clear path.

    Many Examples of PHP websites include beautiful designs. Understand who is your audience and target customers. Check out website builders, they make the complex process of designing easy and quick.

  4. Development:

    Once you have designed the look of the site, now comes the functionality. When a user clicks on a button on your site then it must do something for the customer. You can use PHP development tools to get built-in features and libraries for the common functions on the site.

    Developers don’t have to build logic from scratch when they use tools as they offer built-in functionalities. They can save time for creativity and other tasks of completing the project.

  5. Testing:

    Finished projects can still have loopholes, errors, and bugs that affect the speed and performance of the website. No matter how beautiful a website you have created, if it doesn’t work smoothly. Test your website effectively, find even tiny mistakes, fix them, and test them again. Until all the mistakes, errors, and bugs are fixed don’t publish the website. Taking the help of testing tools expedites the process.

  6. Deployment:

    The deployment process includes planning, development, testing, deploying, and monitoring. Once you have completed the website, test it effectively, now deploy the changes to the live environment. You should do it carefully. If you have 1% doubt then retest the website. Well, no matter how hard you try to deploy the website without errors and mistakes, there will still be some.

  7. Maintenance:

    Maintenance of a website is an ongoing process and it includes various steps. Many companies charge separately for maintaining a website while some don’t as they include the cost in the final price of website development. Various examples of PHP websites can be found which need regular maintenance.

    Here are some common types of website maintenance

    1. Regular updates
    2. Security maintenance
    3. Performance optimization
    4. Server maintenance
    5. Content updates

PHP and .Net have vast community support and many businesses have their sites in these languages. So, it is often confusing for people to choose one of these programming languages. Here is a statistic to help you somewhat.

The market share of PHP is 57% and the market share of .Net is 34%; the rest of the languages hold 9% of the market. Check out the image below.

Cost of PHP development

Finding the exact cost for a PHP website is quite difficult because the price is not fixed. No two PHP websites look the same. Even if they look the same, they would have different functionalities; this is why their prices also differ.

An estimated cost of a PHP website development is $30,000

An average PHP developer’s hourly rate is $20-$40 while in some regions the price goes up to $150/hour. Moreover, beginner and experienced PHP developers don’t charge the same price. So, various factors determine the cost of a PHP website development.

Apart from that, if you want to leverage AI technology in your PHP website then also price would be different. You can check out how to build AI software here and understand the development process for AI projects.

Let’s know the prices based on different models

  1. Hourly hiring model: The cost for this model ranges from $20/hour to $75/hour
  2. Part-time hiring model: The cost for this type of model is $20-$50/hour
  3. Outsourcing a dedicated team: he price for outsourcing a development team is around $30,000

Which is the best PHP development company?

Finding the best PHP development company can take up most of your time. We have found some top companies to save you time.

Best companies for PHP development projects

  1. Dev Technosys:

    Dev Technosys is well known because of its innovative and timely delivery of software solutions. It has an effective portfolio presenting diverse work with different industries. Examples of PHP websites

  2. Technource:

    Technpource, a top PHP development site in the USA. It offers many good software development services. The pool of experienced developers improves the quality of a website and offers cutting-edge solutions. Technource signs a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to protect the website idea and business idea.

  3. XB Software:

    If you want creative yet high-quality software for your business, this firm can assist you. Their creative team and experienced firm manage the project with dedication

  4. QArea:

    It is one of the top PHP web development companies in the USA. many stakeholders approach the company to develop apps and websites that can help their businesses meet market demands.

  5. Open Source Technologies:

    Open-source Technologies is a USA-based web and app development company. The firm is known for offering cutting-edge software solutions for its clients.

    Selecting any company randomly is not the right way. I will help you how to find the right website quickly and effectively. Follow the below steps.

    Step 1. Do some research

    Yes, research online and offline about the top PHP development companies. You can also reach out to the clients of the company and get feedback about the company personally. This way, find out the best 5 companies for your project.

    Step 2. Eliminate selected companies

    Do intense research about all the 5 companies. Check out the portfolios and their projects, technologies, services, and other business operations. Call the company and ask about the services and prices. Check reviews of customers about the companies. This way, you can eliminate the companies from the list.

    Step 3. Evaluate experience:

    Evaluate the performance of the company you have selected. Check the recent projects the company worked on. Read about the types of industries it served and how many projects were successful. You can directly call the company representative and write to get the correct information.

    Step 4. Check cost-effectiveness:

    Often, you like the services of the company, but when it comes to price, you need help deciding. So, it is better to discuss the cost of software development clearly and ask for any extra costs. This way, you can avoid the conflict that arises later over price and services.

    Step 5. Check Services

    You must go through the services of the company before you finally select it. Signing a Non-disclosure Agreement is crucial for the protection of the business idea. Read the company policies carefully and if still you have any doubts contact the company.

    Most of you must be thinking, is PHP still a good back-end programming language, check out our piece on the topic to clear your doubt

Wrapping Up

You must have checked the PHP website examples, they are many, but I have mentioned only a few as per the length of the blog. PHP is the backbone of innovation and growth. These PHP website examples show that PHP is an effective website that offers flexibility and robustness.

As PHP continues to evolve, it positions itself as a cornerstone in the world of web development. From eCommerce to social networking, and content management to intricate web applications, PHP has proven its potential.
Want an innovative website for your dream business idea_


Mr. Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit, An early-aged entrepreneur who always leads his team from the front and achieved success. As the founder & CEO of Technource, a top mobile app & Web development company, he made a global presence in a short time by offering custom software development, premium mobile apps, and website development services to global clients. In his free time, he loves writing. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites.

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