Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media For Your Business

The latest data shows, an average person spends 147 minutes on social media platforms every day. Businesses know it so they find social media is a great place for product and service promotion. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages of social media.

Sometimes you feel loaded with ads and many of them you click on because you find them related. Since 4.7 billion are active social media users, why businesses will not spend on social media ads? Our web development company also integrates advertisement features according to the client’s business needs.

If we look at the Statista data, $181.2 billion was the value of the global social media advertising market in 2021. And the total value of the market is anticipated to increase to $358 billion by 2026. Consumption of social media is all-time high with videos, Influencers, PPC marketing, and News related to almost all sectors.

However, as nothing comes only with positives, social media is not good for your business in some ways. If you are going to start a business and want to use a social media platform, you must be aware of its advantages and disadvantages of it. It helps to put your best foot forward and you can be observant of possible impediments to the success of your business.


7 Best Social Media Sites for Marketing

Many enterprises and startups use digital marketing because social media excessively develop their brand visibility. They use various marketing strategies to promote the product on different social networking sites or social media networks.

It is because these platforms are the best communication and entertainment medium where people spend their most of time. Most businesses find the best for the development of brand loyalty. Many startups know how on-demand apps are transforming the world, so they use social media for their easy branding.




If you are going to start a business, here are the effective social media platforms to use in 2023.

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. LinkedIn
  4. YouTube
  5. Twitter
  6. TikTok
  7. Snapchat

Let’s know about all social media networks in the space below.

1. Facebook

Facebook is the most commonly used platform for marketing businesses. According to the global survey, 90% of respondents use Facebook to promote their products online. Only 79% did the same using Instagram.
Social media has been important to find a target audience and enhance brand reputation. Active users on Facebook are around 2.9 billion. Several businesses use it not for free but also for running paid advertisements.

2. Instagram


Instagram has also come a long way, since its launch. The social networking advertising revenue of Instagram in the US was 25. 05 billion in 2021. Instagram, is the most sought-after social network and has a large audience, it has around 1.28 billion users.

You can use your mobile device or any device to make a free business account on Instagram. If you develop photo editing apps, go for Instagram because people need such apps for Insta.

This valuable business marketing tool offers paid advertising options. Additionally, you can easily drive traffic to your online businesses. You can find potential customers and get easy brand exposure.

3. LinkedIn


LinkedIn has been the best platform for business-to-business advertisement display in the united states for the last 5 years. The advertising business on LinkedIn amounted to 920 million U.S. dollars in 2019. You can check out how to use LinkedIn for business marketing.

It lets you make a customer interaction through connections. But before making marketing strategies, define your audience and goals. You can use the education social media platform to promote your eLearning app.

4. YouTube


YouTube is the most commonly named social media platform for video business marketing. As of the third quarter of 2022, YouTube’s worldwide advertising revenue amounted to $7.07 billion. Various popular YouTube channels have managed to accumulate around 100 million subscribers.
It is also a famous educational platform. You will get a quality audience here and less number of false social media accounts. Likewise, various businesses go for paid advertisements on YouTube.
5. Twitter

In the series of different social media platforms, Twitter is the next. The value of Twitter’s market cap is $28.93 billion. And 4.5 billion is the annual ad revenue of Twitter. Achieve your marketing goals and for this build brand loyalty on Twitter.
It lets you create a fast buzz around a topic. By creating a small audience on Twitter with the help of the feature Twitter Circle. You can create content and interact with the people in the circle. It can be your marketing strategy for spreading awareness about the business. Apart from it, you can try to get investors for your mobile app startup on this platform.
6. TikTok
TikTok has around 1 billion monthly active users and America has around 80 million monthly active users. Its popularity has led many businesses to use it as a fast and effective business marketing tool.
Promoting your product or services on TikTok will give your business exposure quickly. Although most social media platforms don’t offer specific features of marketing, you can use TikTok to meet today’s world demand through videos.
7. Snapchat
Talking to friends and sharing photos are common things on Snapchat. If you are looking for a large audience under the age of 35 for your business, Snapchat turns out to be the best option. 319 Million users on Snapchat enjoy the platform every day.
You can drive traffic from a younger demographic to your business. Social media plays an important role in youngsters’ life that’s why it can outpace Twitter and TikTok.
According to Hootsuite, advertising audience profile data for January 2022, Snapchat reached 75% of millennials and 23% of American adults. You can check out some other 13 best camera apps and get more insight into the variety of app ideas.
social media users are increasing every year exponentially. Check out the stats below.


You can also promote your app on social media as the number of users on different social media platforms is increasing yearly. In case, you are still looking for new app ideas to make money, read it and get many more ideas.

Also Read: What is the cost of building a short video app like TikTok?

Advantages of Social Media Marketing

The number of internet users across the globe as per the data of July 2022 is 5.03 billion. Likewise, the number of social media users is very close to internet users, it is 4.7 billion. So, companies know that promoting their products and services on social media would be a great deal.

Well, you all know the advantage of having a mobile app for business, and today you will enhance your knowledge with the advantages of social media platforms for your business.

  1. Join social media for free
  2. Receive organic traffic for your website
  3. Make a direct connection with the audience
  4. Run paid advertising services
  5. Evaluate the performance of your products
  6. Improve brand loyalty
  7. Create viral content for marketing
  8. Get up-to-date information
  9. Uncover valuable insights
  10. Get global connectivity

Let’s know about all the above advantages in detail.

1. Join social media for free

You will not have to pay any fee to join social media platforms. Sign-up is free and it lets you explore and use some features. If you want access to more features for social media marketing, go for paid services.

Social media usage for free will provide a cost-effective start for your brand promotion.

2. Receive organic traffic for your website

As you know there are millions of social media users, so getting traffic for your business becomes easy. Due to social media addiction, people tend to move to their devices very often. Create compelling content to attract organic traffic to your website.

As the users will click on the link on social media, they will be directed to your website. To convert the leads into sales, use your communication skills.

3. Make a direct connection with the audience

People have their personal accounts. Customers will DM you if they like your content and want to buy the product. You can not only reach a broader audience but also potential consumers of your product with direct connection.

4. Run paid advertising services

When you can create content and promote your product through posts and videos for free, why use paid advertisements? With the help of paid advertising services, you can reach potential customers, and valuable websites, and your business ads will be shown to people who belong to your business.

It helps to get quality customers for your business and drive traffic that actually helps you generate good revenue. Furthermore, you can also hire an SEO expert to rank your website better on Google page.

5. Evaluate the performance of your products

You can evaluate your products using Facebook marketing. Simple monitoring campaigns on social media help greatly to analyze product performance. You can find how many people viewed your page, and how many of them were directed to your business website from social media platforms.

6. Improve brand loyalty

Do you want to keep on spending money on advertising and business marketing all the time? It’s not the right way. You have to build a brand reputation so that you can retain customers and make more customers through them. Social media helps in customer retention.

Have a look at the customer retention rate in different businesses in 2018.




7. Create viral content for marketing

Viral content on social media can give instant exposure to any business. Viral content helps you get noticed by millions of people overnight! what can be a more effective way of marketing than this?

For this, partner with creative content designers and influencers.

8. Get up-to-date information

Social media is overloaded with new information. So, you can get up-to-date information to make a fresh marketing strategy. Well, don’t forget that many users spread fake news.

You can customize your feed to get current content related to particular fields. It will save you time and help you know what should be the next step to promote the products.

9. Uncover valuable insights

Businesses can gather valuable customer data from social networking sites. It helps to find what can be future demands of customers and what is their behavior to buy something. Moreover, you can also know what customers think about you from the insights.

If you like any article or new letter, you can save it to read after some time. Likewise, social listening is where some questions are asked to the social media users about your product. You can receive negative feedback, but it will also help you improve the product.

10. Get global connectivity

Your brand can get exposure to the whole world with the help of social media. You can freely promote your business on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and some other platforms. Since millions of people use social media in almost all countries, you can quickly get global connectivity.

The below image shows the number of internet users (5.03 billion) and social media users (4.7 billion).




Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing

Are there really any disadvantages of social media for marketing? Yes, there are.

It is quite an overlooked topic for businesses who are eager to promote their products on social media. You must consider the negatives and positives before using anything for the first time.

Social media is also not devoid of some negatives. I researched and found some social media drawbacks. They are important for you to know being an entrepreneur in a business. Before gaining access to some Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter account for interested leads, don’t forget to go through the disadvantages of social media mentioned below.

  1. Not built for businesses
  2. Low ROI
  3. Require regular engagement
  4. Security and privacy issues
  5. Time-consuming
  6. Over-dependence on ads
  7. Fake news
  8. Fake accounts
  9. Reduce face-to-face communication skills

1. Not built for businesses

Social media was not built for businesses. It was built to connect two or more people in leisure. Initially, it did have features suitable for business marketing. You might have noticed that reputed businesses don’t invest much in social media.

2. Low ROI

According to the new research from DMA, less than 50% of marketers agreed that social media gives any Return On Investment (ROI). It is because most of the audience is younger on these platforms and not able to understand businesses.

3. Require regular engagement

The sooner people know about your brand, the sooner they can forget it. You need to be on social media always, be active, and responsive, and most important provide daily feeds related to your products and services. Regular posts, videos, and statuses will always keep your brand live in the mind of people.

4. Security and privacy issues

Some social media platforms are infamous for sharing users’ information. Any ill-minded people can use Phishing and make a page like yours. They can spread wrong information about your business. Moreover, hackers can misuse accounts, and create some privacy issues for you.

5. Time-consuming

In the series of advantages and disadvantages of social media in this post, this is one of the crucial cons. Be patient because getting results on social media often takes too long. There are millions of brands promoting their businesses on social media, so the competition is high. So, it can be time-consuming for your business to get popular through social media.

6. Over-dependence on ads

As we know, that social media is for connecting people, not originally built to promote businesses. Over-dependence on ads often leads your marketing to go over budget. Moreover, people don’t like to see ads at all, they rarely consider or click on the ads.

7. Fake news

This is one of the common disadvantages of social media marketing. People can encounter many false and misleading news on social media. It can be in the form of clickbait, fabricated reports, hoaxes, conspiracy theories, and others. Anyone can spread fake news about your brand to deceive. It can reduce your company’s share value as well.

8. Fake accounts

This is another easy way to defame your brand reputation. Facebook recently took action against more than 1 billion fake accounts. Because people leave negative feedback on the post through these fake accounts. And negative feedback can harm and stop from making new customers.

9. Reduce face-to-face communication skills

Customers and owners everyone is online. Most of the buying and selling work is done over the internet. But there is one disadvantage, it reduces face-to-face communication. You talk to customers online, over calls, and through chat. It is not a real conversation. When you meet and talk to a person, you feel afraid because you never talked to a customer except online.

These were some crucial positives and negatives of social media. Now you know the important ones thus you can make better decisions about whether to choose social media marketing or not. If you choose it, then what types of problems can hinder your business growth?

The advantages and disadvantages of social media also help you understand how to deal with fake news, negative feedback, and false social media posts.


How to Choose the Right Social Media Platforms for Marketing?

Making a choice is a difficult task, whether you are looking for the best idea, or finding the best way to do digital marketing for your app or website. In the same way, selecting the best social media to promote your app, product, or service is difficult.

You have to be careful of various things while selecting social media to build relationships with your customers. The advantages and disadvantages of social media indeed help to decide, still, you need to focus on the below questions to find the right social media platform for your business marketing.

  • Who is your target audience?
  • Do you want to grow brand awareness?
  • What is the difference between various social media platforms?
  • How to define voice and tone for a specific social media?
  • How to adjust strategies according to the platform?

Comprise the above questions while going through the advantages and disadvantages of social media. It will make your way easy.

Final Words

Now you know the advantages and disadvantages of social media. I curated them here after researching from some authentic sources. If you still come across some issues and need experts’ help, contact Technource. It has more than 50+ developers and worked on various app and web development projects to date.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why learn about the advantages and disadvantages of social media?


Which is the best social media for your business?


How to make money using social media?


What is the benefit of growing followers on social media?


What is the best business strategy on social media?



Yogesh Kumar works at a top WordPress development company, Technource as a Digital Marketing Manager. He is a passionate individual who has in-depth knowledge of SEO and uses natural search expertise to attain and sustain maximum marketing share for organic search across the industry. With his passion for writing, he delivers many informative articles and blogs on software development, that help many people to improve their knowledge of emerging technologies, and website & app development. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Newsbreak, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites. He likes to cook in his free time and discover new recipes.

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