What are the best PHP alternatives in 2024?

Are you looking for the next PHP? As technology evolves, our options for website development also grow. Your search for PHP alternatives shows that you want to try a different, better, and new technology for your project.

In 2024, the landscape of programming languages can continue to expand, offering diverse alternatives to PHP. Exploring these alternatives is crucial for developers seeking flexible, efficient, and modern solutions.

Our website development company has a pool of experienced developers from different programming languages and technologies. We talked to these developers to find the best PHP alternatives. Are you ready to delve into the realm of PHP alternatives that are shaping the coding sphere in 2024?

The best PHP alternatives to use in 2024

Some languages are used again and again because of their unique qualities and efficient features. Well, there can be many other reasons behind going for any particular programming language.

No doubt, PHP is a great programming language, powers around 76% of online websites, but there are some downsides of the language. It leads to the rise of PHP alternatives.

We are presenting the list of the best PHP alternatives for you.

  1. Java
  2. JavaScript
  3. Python
  4. Go
  5. C#
  6. Ruby
  7. Erlang
  8. Elixir
  9. Rust
  10. C++

Move ahead to get familiar with the features that make these programming languages capable of competing with PHP.

1) Java:


Around 4.7% of websites use Java technology. But Java can emerge as a strong alternative to PHP due to its robustness, scalability, and versatility. Java’s compiled nature often delivers superior performance compared to PHP’s interpreted approach. Java is known for its speed and efficiency in handling complex applications and heavy workloads.

Scalability makes it suitable for large-scale applications. Java’s object-oriented programming paradigm offers a structured approach. It promotes code reusability and maintainability which can be fruitful for larger projects. Before you website development company  compare it with Java to make informed decisions.

Java contains a vast ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and tools that help in various aspects of development. This programming language is widely adopted by enterprises for web development.

2) JavaScript:


Unique features and versatile capabilities are present in JavaScript. With Node.js JavaScript can handle both front-end and back-end development. This full-stack capability streamlines development and allows for a unified codebase and increased developer efficiency. JavaScript’s asynchronous nature enhances performance by enabling non-blocking operations.

It is ideal for handling multiple concurrent requests, making it impeccable for real-time software solutions. JavaScript’s syntax is effective yet straightforward. It allows quick prototyping and flexibility in coding. Its dynamic nature simplifies development.

Moreover, JavaScript has a vast and active developer community. They help in continuous innovation, regular updates ample resources, and more. Its ability to provide dynamic user experiences on the client side makes it highly suitable for modern web applications.

The  difference between Java and JavaScript will help you learn about both languages in detail and decide the right one for your project. JavaScript evolution from client-side scripting to full-stack capabilities positions it as a strong PHP alternative. It is helpful for developers who want a unified programming language.

3) Python:


Python has a shallow learning curve, meaning learning Python is quicker than PHP.  Developers can maintain large programs effectively with Python compared to PHP. Since Python is very close to the English language, it’s easy to understand its syntax. Most importantly, Python is a widely used programming language for machine learning, Artificial intelligence, gaming, and other emerging technologies.

Its multipurpose nature makes it suitable for various applications beyond web development. The clean and readable syntax of Python reduces turnaround time. It is a suitable programming language for beginners and experienced developers. Python frameworks like Django, Flask, and Pyramid help with rapid development.

Handling complex projects is easier with Python than with PHP. You can be sure of scaling an application by developing it with Python. It is a preferred choice for both large-scale and small-scale projects. So, Python’s simplicity, readability, and strong community support make it an effective PHP alternative.

4) Go:


Golang (Go) provides some distinct advantages over PHP. The compiled nature and inherent concurrency mechanisms provide good performance compared to interpreted languages like PHP. Go’s native support for concurrency and different channels allows efficient handling of concurrent tasks. It makes Golang highly scalable and ideal for building distributed systems.

Go ensures compile-time safety and reduces the probability of run-time errors. It leads to the enhancement of readability and maintainability. You can compare Python and Go if you need clarification on them.

Additionally, the simple and concise syntax of Go along with its built-in tools enables efficient coding. Software development processes like testing, profiling, streamlining, debugging, and optimization turn out easy with this technology.

Go contains a powerful standard library that includes encryption, HTTP support, and networking. The comprehensive library reduces dependencies on third-party libraries, ensuring better control over the codebase. You can learn about Slackbot development with Go to get an idea of how Go works with the app development process.

5) C#:


A developer can compile C# source code with the intermediate language. It compiles native code, which often makes it faster than PHP. It offers high performance which is suitable for resource-intensive applications. C# (C Sharp) is a strongly typed language that is good for safety and decreases the chances of run-time errors while building applications.

Since C# is associated with Microsoft technologies, many platforms now support it. They are cross-platform frameworks like .NET Core and Xamarin. The versatility allows developers to build applications for different industries. C# was developed using Visual Studio, a robust IDE that offers extensive features for code editing.

It offers a broad range of libraries and tools that facilitate the rapid development of various applications including, gaming, web, desktop, and mobile. C# emphasizes security features like exception handling, access control, and memory management.

While C# offers performance, a strong type system, and a rich ecosystem, PHP remains a dominant language in web development due to its simplicity, ease of use, and widespread adoption.

6) Ruby:


Ruby’s syntax is often considered more elegant and readable than PHP’s. Developers can easily use this programming language because of its simplicity. It promotes the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle. Using this method decreases the amount of unnecessary code and accelerates the pace of software development.

Ruby on Rails is a widely used web framework built on Ruby. The framework includes powerful features for rapid application development. The well-structured framework promotes efficient development through its modular components, conventions, and libraries. Ruby is a fully object-oriented language, treating everything as an object.

It leads to cleaner code organization and encourages reusable and maintainable structure. Its vibrant and supportive community help always ready to provide solutions to every type of doubt and question related to Ruby. Find the difference between PHP, Python, and Ruby by knowing their features and usage. Comparing these three programming languages would help you make informed decisions.

7) Erlang:


PHP and Erlang serve different domains in the development world. PHP is used for web development, focusing on server-side scripting whereas, Erlang is a functional programming language, known for its concurrency, scalability, and fault tolerance. It is designed for developing effective concurrent and distributed systems.

It has built-in features like lightweight processing and message passing. It makes the language suitable for handling a large number of simultaneous tasks. Erlang architecture is known for its fault-tolerant nature. It enables systems to automatically recover and continue functioning seamlessly, even when there are issues or failures.

Erlang’s design enables horizontal scalability, making it easier to scale applications. It adds more nodes and serves without significant effort. However, using Erlang as a direct substitute for PHP in web development might be challenging due to differences

8) Elixir:


Elixir is a language built on an Erlang virtual machine. It offers several advantages that could position it as an alternative to PHP. Like Erlang, Elixir provides excellent support for concurrency and scalability. Its lightweight processes are inspired by Erlang. It enables efficient handling of numerous simultaneous tasks. Developers can build highly concurrent applications.

Elixir inherits Erlang’s fault-tolerant nature. It allows applications to remain operational even in the condition of failures or errors. This feature is crucial to build robust applications. Elixir’s functional programming paradigm promotes immutable data and encourages clean and concise code.

Well, using Elixir as a direct substitute for PHP can be challenging due to differences in their development environments.

9) Rust:


While not traditionally associated with web development like PHP, offers several features that make it a potential alternative. Rust is known for its high performance and memory safety. It is designed to provide the performance of low-level languages like C and C++ languages. It makes Rust a good choice for building high-performance web applications.

Rust has an ownership model that helps prevent common bugs such as data races and null pointer dereferencing. It can be beneficial in developing robust and secure web applications and handling concurrent operations. Rust has excellent support for web assembly, allowing developers to compile Rust code.

It opens possibilities for server-side and client-side web applications. Rust’s type system and strong emphasis on safety, reduce the likelihood of run-time errors. While Rust doesn’t have the extensive web-specific libraries as PHP, its ecosystem is maturing, making it viable for web projects.

10) C++


PHP and C++ serve different purposes in the programming landscape. PHP is predominantly used for web development, focusing on server-side scripting, while C++ is a general-purpose programming language. It is compiled into machine code, making it significantly faster than PHP. So, speed advantage in C++ can be beneficial for high-performance applications and computational tasks.

C++ is a powerful and versatile programming language with diverse applications beyond web development. Developers can choose it for larger-scale and versatile projects because of its procedural, object-oriented, and generic programming. C++ provides low-level memory manipulation and direct hardware access for control over system resources.

However, adopting C++ as a substitute for PHP in web development may not be an ideal choice due to differences in their nature and purpose. The strength of PHP lies in its simplicity and ease of use.
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Why should you use PHP alternatives?

We know that PHP powers around 76% of websites, then it must have features that no other language has. But this is also true that many websites don’t use PHP. There must be some reasons. Many wonder if is PHP still a good programming language. 

Reasons for using PHP alternatives:

1) Specialized use cases:

Some programming languages might be better suited for the type of project, specific use cases, and industries. For example, a language designed for high concurrency might be preferable for real-time applications.

2) Performance improvements:

PHP alternatives might offer better performance in certain scenarios. Some languages are good at efficiency which could be beneficial for high-demand applications.

3) Diversity of capabilities:

PHP alternatives offer different sets of features and capabilities. Developers can find strengths in different programming languages as per the needs of the project. For example, some languages excel in concurrency, others in simplicity and performance.

4) Learning and growth:

Exploring various PHP alternatives broadens a developer’s skill. They can think creatively, integrate innovative features, and use various tools for speedy development. Knowledge can be invaluable in solving problems creatively and choosing the right tool for a particular task.

5) Ecosystem and community:

Different programming languages have unique ecosystems and vibrant communities. Exploring examples of PHP alternatives allows developers to tap into new libraries.

You can learn about the usage of different versions of PHP, historical position, market trends, and more on the website of  W3techs.  It will help you know how many percent of websites use PHP alternatives we mentioned in the blog.

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How to choose the right programming language for your project?

Selecting the best and the right programming language depends on the project type. For example- Rust is the best choice if you want to prioritize safety and memory management, whereas, use Go if you prioritize simplicity and concurrency. So, the choice of a programming language differs based on the requirements.

You can notice in the image below the most used programming languages among developers in 2023


Image source

Steps to select the right programming language for a project

1) Project requirements:

Understand the specific needs of your project. Analyze the basic idea of your project and research the market to analyze competitors. Different languages excel in different areas, so find the reasons why one language aligns with your project needs.

2) Developer skill set:

Hire the developers that best suit your project, means they must know the skills that are required for the completion of your project. For this, interview developers and go through their portfolios. By doing so, you can know about their qualification, experience, skill set, and projects they have handled to date.

3) Scalability and performance:

When it comes to software development, certain programming languages are better suited for specific project sizes. Assess how well a language supports scalability and performance based on your project’s requirements. High-performing languages can have a steep learning curve and narrow developer community.

4) Cost and maintenance:

Consider the long-term costs and efforts associated with maintaining and updating the project. Some languages might require more maintenance than others.

5) Security:

Security features of programming languages differ. So, you have to understand what type and level of security features you need for your website or application. If it is a FinTech app, you will need a programming language that provides strong security features. Ensure the chosen language aligns with your project needs.

6) Future capabilities:

Try to choose the language that contains future capabilities and is less likely to become obsolete shortly. Check the programming language is actively maintained or updated. Does it have a growing or declining user base?

Popular sites using the PHP programming language

Knowing the websites highly powered by PHP programming language will help you figure out the downside and positive side of these websites because of PHP.

  1. Facebook
  2. WordPress
  3. Tumblr
  4. Mailchimp
  5. Yahoo
  6. Slack
  7. Wikipedia
  8. Flickr
  9. iStockphoto
  10. Canva

You can check the percentage of websites using server-side programming languages on the W3techs  website. It will help you choose a PHP alternative effectively.


The list of the best PHP alternatives can help you get an idea of which languages you should consider. We have explained and compared all the languages with PHP. You can easily find why they are the better PHP alternatives. Although many websites still rely on PHP, you can use the latest technology based on your needs. Ensure that you have a clear understanding of the requirements and discuss them thoroughly with your developers. You can contact experts at Technource to get professional advice on selecting a programming language for your project, which is free.

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Mr. Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit, An early-aged entrepreneur who always leads his team from the front and achieved success. As the founder & CEO of Technource, a top mobile app & Web development company, he made a global presence in a short time by offering custom software development, premium mobile apps, and website development services to global clients. In his free time, he loves writing. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites.

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