How to Create On-Demand Cannabis Delivery Weed App Like Leafly?


Third-world countries have broken conventional beliefs and have given rise to some of the trends that we observe today. Whether it’s legalizing same-gender marriages or the use of Marijuana, countries like the US and Canada are leading the front. The US has legalized marijuana usage in 33 of its states. As marijuana is made available for recreational and medical use, the demand for the same has given rise to business opportunities. Here we’ll talk about on-demand cannabis delivery app development.

There has been a high surge in the consumption of cannabis, yet there aren’t many on-demand cannabis delivery platforms. A marijuana delivery app can be quite similar to how you book a ride on Uber or order food using Uber Eats. 

If you’re looking for a new business to invest in an on-demand marijuana delivery can just be the one. Read on to learn business models, monetization strategies, essential features, and other app development insights on creating an app for home cannabis delivery. 

Essential to Developing an On-Demand Marijuana Delivery App like Eaze or Weedmaps?

If you want to do good and safe business with your cannabis mobile app while not breaking any law then you must learn the following.

Adhere to Government Regulations:

As cannabis consumption isn’t legal in many countries, you should check with the government policy for the country or state you want to do business in.

As for your information:

  • There are 33 states in the US for whom the government has decriminalized marijuana consumption for medical purposes including the District of Columbia in 2018.
  • In 2018, Canada too decriminalized the use of marijuana for both recreational and medical purposes.
  • Other Western European countries such as Greece, Czechia, Germany, Netherlands, and Germany have also legalized cannabis consumption for personal use.
  • Checking with the regulations of the country or state is the primary step for entering the home marijuana delivery business.

Acquiring a Licence:

You can only sell cannabis if you have the appropriate licenses from the respective government authorities of that particular country or state. You would also have to seek other permissions to cultivate, distribute, and sell marijuana across your different stores. 

Let’s try and understand this with an example. California legalized marijuana consumption for medical use in the year 1996. If you observe The Bureau of Cannabis Control website you will find different license information for distributors, microbusinesses, retailers, testing labs, and Cannabis Event organizers. To save time you can also apply through the bureau’s Online Licensing System. 

The Canadian Health Organization would issue a license for you if you’re a Canadian citizen. Though you would have to determine the area in which your business falls as a cannabis license have numerous classes and subclasses. The most prominent license class include:

  • Nursery
  • Micro-processing
  • Standard processing
  • Standard cannabis cultivation
  • Analytical testing
  • Research
  • Sales for medical purposes

Business Model & Monetization Techniques for On-Demand Cannabis Delivery App:

For an on-demand cannabis delivery app, there are two basic business models that you can implement, both are monetizable. 

App for Selling Marijuana to Dispensaries:

This business model is perfect for business owners who are already a part of the marijuana retail business. To implement this model you need to have a healthy stock to sell. If you do belong to this category, you would have to create a marijuana dispensary app with relevant features. 

You can monetize this business model by charging a convenience fee for delivering marijuana at the consumer’s doorsteps. Other than this you can earn by running paid ads of other industry-related products. With the increase in your popularity and business, you can develop your delivery services.


If you want to start a marijuana delivery business but don’t cultivate the same, then you can develop a cannabis marketplace. Some of the best examples of such marketplaces are Leafly, Weedmaps, and Eaze. These apps provide weed lovers the convenience of same-day home delivery from the nearest dispensary. 

The users that these apps serve are as follows:

  • Buyers who can’t find a store near them can order using your app, make an in-app payment, and get marijuana delivered in no time.
  • Merchant accounts selling products via dispensaries.
  • The delivery fleets or couriers receive orders from users and make deliveries.
  • An Admin panel that monitors order activity, uses analytics to analyze user behavior and manages users.

You can monetize this app in the following ways:

  • Convenience or delivery partner fee on every order made from the app.
  • Running ads of cannabis or related products.
  • Cannabis vendors providing paid promotions.


Features to consider while developing best week delivery or Marijuana Delivery App:

There are four basic users of a cannabis delivery app. The users include buyers, merchants, drivers, and an admin. Here are the essential features to create an efficient cannabis delivery app.

Buyer App Features:

  • Identity Verification:A common feature when you use any app for the first time. You can offer your users options to register on the platform using social media handles such as Facebook or Instagram and via email.
  • Advanced Search with Filters:There are different types of cannabis that are consumed by the users. Hence, your app should offer various product categories with advanced search filters.
  • Secure Payment Gateways:Since the covid crises, the trend of making payments via cash has already been heavily replaced by the in-app payment features. With the advent of so many fintech apps, users now prefer making online payments, this accounts for a fully contactless delivery.
  • Real-time Tracking:The on-demand cannabis delivery app help a user track their products while they’re getting delivered. They also provide a consumer with details of the delivery partner.

Merchant App Features:

Profile Creation:All the merchants who want to sell cannabis using your platform need to have a license for the same. It’s illegal to sell marijuana without acquiring a license for the same. Once a merchant has the license, s/he can create their store on the platform by creating their menu, add photos, contact info. descriptions, and also update their payment information.

Order History & Management: This feature provides the merchants with all the history of previous orders with complete order details. It also helps manage the current orders a seller receives.

Driver App Features: 

  • Profile Creation: The delivery driver has to first register on the platform by seeking approval from the admin. Only verified profiles are allowed to work for the platform.
  • Navigation: Navigation is an essential feature for a delivery executive. A driver has to fetch the product from the merchant and deliver it to the consumers. Both the processes make evident use of navigation. So, it’s necessary to inculcate an efficient map SDK.

Admin App Features: 

  • Dashboard: A dashboard would contain a list of all the ongoing activities of the platform. It would contain a list of all the current ongoing and pending orders, along with their real-time status.
  • User Management: An admin has to manage consumers, sellers, and drivers. Using this feature a user can manage all the accounts, manage notifications, and track order history.
  • Product & Category Management: Any merchant would have different categories to maintain and products to add or remove. Admin can edit product information such as adding photos, descriptions, prices, and more for the products.


Custom Cannabis App Development Process:

Every mobile app development company follows a dedicated process to go about working on projects. Here is a list of how the conventional app development process looks like.

Cannabis Business clone App tag

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA):

Entrepreneurs are extremely protective of their app or business ideas. Hence, we prefer signing an NDA to ensure their intellectual property or idea is protected.

  • Inception Phase: In this phase, we learn your business idea and brainstorm solutions that would help us map your business well on an application. We gain an in-depth understanding of the required project architecture, tech stack, budget estimation, and so on.
  • Technical Documentation: Here we create all the technical documentation required by your project. We also design a prototype app and give you a detailed project description, cost estimate, and other such things.
  • Development Stage:We develop an app using the Agile-Scrum methodology. We start designing your unique app features that are essential to your business. We also perform numerous quality checks before handing you the application.
  • Project Delivery & Post-Project Consultation:After we offer you the final project demo, we offer you all the technical documents, databases, different app accounts, and other app-related documentations.

Wrapping Up:

Above we learned how the cannabis market is generating revenue for its business owners. The online marijuana business contains high ROIs opportunities. As the market is new to the users, this is the best time to create an on-demand application using sturdy tech and a sound business model.

If you’re looking for an experienced app development company to bring your project to reality, then you’re just at the right place. Technource has 9+ years of experience working in the IT service sector. To know more about services please sign-up for a free consultation on our website. Thank you for reading!


Yogesh Kumar works at a top WordPress development company, Technource as a Digital Marketing Manager. He is a passionate individual who has in-depth knowledge of SEO and uses natural search expertise to attain and sustain maximum marketing share for organic search across the industry. With his passion for writing, he delivers many informative articles and blogs on software development, that help many people to improve their knowledge of emerging technologies, and website & app development. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Newsbreak, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites. He likes to cook in his free time and discover new recipes.

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