Top Vue UI Component Libraries and Frameworks to Consider in 2023

Front-end development includes various tasks than just writing clean code. It is responsible for engaging applications and websites. Flaws in the designs can irritate the visitors and they might not come back to the app. So, here comes the Vue UI framework. You can pick the best Vue framework for your project for a fast, impeccable, and beautiful app.

Since UI designs affect retention and conversion rate, taking them lightly can prove disastrous for your app. Our Vue.Js development company will make you aware of some important libraries and frameworks in the blog so that you can find the best one for your project. Let’s start by knowing about Vue JS.



Introducing the Vue JS Development

Vue js is a modern JavaScript framework that developers use for fast and engaging web and app development. You can enhance existing HTML using this simple yet very performant framework. Moreover, it is the best option to create dynamic applications on the front-end.

Likewise, it is the main competitor for React and Angular. So, if you are confused about which framework to choose, give a thorough read to the difference between Angular js, Vue js, & React js. Meanwhile, know the list of the best Vue component library in the space below.

Top 15 Vue UI Libraries and Frameworks

Well choosing the best Vue UI library depends on the type of project. But, our experts’ team at Technource has tried to bring you the best. Read the below-mentioned libraries and frameworks and choose the best suitable for your app.

1. Bootstrap Vue

Bootstrap Vue has the component of both Bootstrap and Vue. You can create highly responsive webs and apps with the help of Bootstrap Vue. It has customizable UI elements that help the developers to give effective designs to the software solution. Bootstrap has a grid system and it’s easy to set up. Moreover, developers can build front-end applications in a short time using this library. Bootstrap offers around 1000+icons, more than 45 accessible plugins, around 85 components, and numerous directives. Likewise, it is the best Vue component library.

2. Vuetify

It is a framework based on a popular design language created by Google “Material Design”. You can find various UI guidelines for cards, shapes, and interactions, in addition to depth effects like light and shadow. You will not require excellent design skills to use this one of the best Javascript frameworks. It is because Vuetify is easy to make professional-looking websites. Likewise, the designs are performant, responsive, and module to make your app or web a complete solution.

3. Quasar


Quasar is the well-known Vue UI framework and is based on a performance-focused Vue framework. Moreover, it has directives and plugins for effective UI design development. This framework is gaining popularity among JavaScript developers. Developers can build and deploy any app using Quasar on the desktop, mobile, and web. Moreover, it fulfills the developers’ requirements because most of the code and designs are already available in it.

4. Element Plus


You can find an extensive range of modest components. It is one of the most used Vue 3 UI frameworks by developers. Great problem handling, easy animations, and the CSS variables allow Vue developers to build customized and impressive webs. Moreover, it offers a timeline, trees, calendar elements, and Mature time.

5. Vux

Vux is a mobile UI Vue component library, best for handling the WeChat app. Developers can find several components in this library and build an effective app. However, developers can face problems while finding regular issues with this library. Moreover, as per the need, you can install the components and use them. Well, you can install the entire component package too.

6. Keen UI

This popular Vue UI library also follows the material design guidelines. You can find well-coded interactive components and avoid writing Javascript code from scratch. However, Keen UI doesn’t have its styling so you can integrate it with your existing style or open-source CSS framework. Moreover, you can use different components like UI Checkbox, UI Button, UI Alert, and more. Likewise, you can choose this framework, if you want to develop a lightweight material design.

7. Equal

Equal is a TypeScript-based UI Components Framework for Vue 3. Moreover, it uses a personal design system. Equal has 30+ components based on TypeScript and supports material design Icons. Moreover, there are no external dependencies. It offers the best typography, impressive animations, and amazing performance. So, If you are looking for the best front-end frameworks, you can go for Equal.

8. Buefy

It is a lightweight UI component library for Vue js. You can find components like form inputs, tables, modals, alerts, etc in the Buefy library. So, you can get the best Vue UI components for web development. It is lightweight and based on the Bulma CSS framework that is similar to Bootstrap and material design libraries like Vuetify. Moreover, you can develop aesthetically impressive applications by writing minimal code.

9. Vuikit

It is a UIkit-based Vue component library. Developers choose it because of its qualities like responsiveness and stability in the app. It is a good choice to build web-based User Interfaces. You can go for this open-source Vue component library to boast UIkit front-end features. Many developers at Technource use this library. So, if you want a responsive and quick app, hire Vue js developers from us.

10. Ionic Vue

Ionic Vue is a popular framework to develop mobile apps with the help of web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is the best choice due to its great productivity. Likewise, Ionic Vue is a collection of UI components like Layout, tab, Button, Top bar, and more. You can use a front-end framework Vue js on top of the Ionic framework for more complex or large projects. In addition, Ionic CLI also comes with an Ionic Vue template generator, it is good for ease of development.

11. Chakra UI

Chakra UI provides tools to build Vue apps in a short time. This UI provides a set of accessible, reusable, and composable components. So, they can make the application development process easy and fast. Developers find it is the best Vue UI framework. Moreover, chakra UI is useful to make responsive styles. It contains a set of layout components cStack and CBox. Furthermore, you can import the components of this library by using the WebPack Plug-in solution.

12. iView

It is a high-quality UI tool kit built on Vue.js and contains useful and beautiful components. Moreover, any skill level developers can use its friendly API. Extensive documentation and demos are also available for beautiful UI. Know the difference between UI and UX to make the most of this library. Furthermore, iView supports Vue 2 and Vue 1. You can find wizards and components for elegant and sophisticated designs. So, this library is extensively adopted by developers.

13. Ant Design Vue

Ant Design is a UI for Vue 3 and has some high-quality elements and demos for creating attractive and rich user interfaces. You can get plenty of UI components to enrich web applications. Ant design Vue is upgraded and made simple and quicker for developers. In addition, this library supports server-side rendering, electron, and modern website browsers.

14. Prime Vue

PrimeTek Informatics developed Prime Vue; it has also developed PrimeFaces, PrimeNG, and PrimeReact open source UI solutions. Prime Vue is a comprehensive UI library for Vue and has a set of 90+ components. Moreover, it contains a collection of templates and UI building blocks. In addition, theme designers help developers to make customized designs as per need.

15. Fish UI

It is useful for designing front-end applications. Fish UI is compatible with the modern browser environment. Moreover, it serves Webpack 2.0 and ES2015. The large community support makes it easy for the developers to know the solution to any issue. However, this support is not as active as other libraries’. Fish UI has many components incorporating CSS elements. These elements are Radio, Tag, Buttons, Check Box, BackTops, Menu, Pagination, Card, Dropdown, and others. In the same way, if you are a web developer, read the informative blog by our experts to know the best web design trends.


Which Is the Right Vue Component for Your Project?

How to choose the right component for your project? This question can confuse you when you look for the answer. Choosing the best Vue UI framework is not easy because all the components have their specific functions. If you are planning to develop the Vue app for your business, you can go for expert consultation and know which component will be the best.

You should look for the components that work effectively and don’t add risk. Bue before everything, you have to understand the business type, audience, app type, and goals. In addition, analyze the features and functions you want in the app. These all help you come up with an impressive and impeccable solution. Moreover, know the specialty of the libraries and frameworks before using them.

How Much Does Vue UI Development Cost?

The cost of the Vue UI app is around $20,000-$70,000. But, you must have used different types of apps and noticed that they offer various services with different UI designs. Moreover, their functioning is also different. It is all because of the particular business requirements.
So, the cost of the app depends on the type of app and business requirements.

There are three types of apps as per the level of complexity.

  • Simple App Cost: $10,000-$30,000
  • Average App Cost: $30,000-$60,000
  • Complex App Cost: $60,000-$140,000

Also Read: How Much Does It Cost To Design a Mobile App?

Wrapping Up

Vuejs UI framework and library make the life of developers easy and convenient. They can develop engaging applications using these libraries and frameworks. Our Javascript development company has worked on various projects and used Vue libraries therefore they have experience in developing beautiful apps on time.



Mr. Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit, An early-aged entrepreneur who always leads his team from the front and achieved success. As the founder & CEO of Technource, a top mobile app & Web development company, he made a global presence in a short time by offering custom software development, premium mobile apps, and website development services to global clients. In his free time, he loves writing. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites.

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