How to Develop an EV Charging Station Finder App? [Everything You Need to Know]

According to the news published in The Guardian newspaper, “ Biden sets a goal to make 50% of new cars and trucks powered by electric batteries by 2030”. He has plans to infuse $2 trillion for the development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. But how will you find the charging stations? So, here comes the question, how to develop an EV charging station finder app?

Most of you think of the best industry-based app ideas, but you should focus on the requirements of the people before you go for anyone. In the same way, finding EV charging stations is the need of the people who own electric vehicles. If you hire an on-demand app development company to build an app that makes finding the EV charging station convenient, you can have a successful business because you are fulfilling the needs of the masses.

If you don’t know what an electric vehicle is, the next section will make you aware of the same. Further, you will get to know all the crucial information about the EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment) app. So, let’s get started!

What Is an Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Finder App?

You should know about the Electric Vehicle and EVSE before you look for the definition of an electric vehicle charging station finder app. Electric vehicles are partially or fully powered by electric batteries to run. The electric motor receives energy from the controller. In other words, these types of vehicles don’t use gasoline tanks, petrol, or diesel, except some hybrid electric vehicles. Likewise, developing a battery management system for Electric Vehicles is vital.

There is a need for EVSE stations to be planted at some particular distances to charge the battery of the electric vehicles. So that EV owners can recharge when their vehicles run out of battery. EV charging station finder app helps the users to find the nearest station to charge their vehicles.

Some EV charging station finder apps are already working. Have a look at the list of this type of app.

Top EV Charging Station Finder Mobile Apps

  • Plugshare
  • Chargepoint
  • Chargehub
  • Chargemap
  • EVGO

If you are thinking, we could find the stations by just using the Google map or any other search engine or using other ways, the below section will make you aware why there is a need for EV charging stations. Have a look.

What Is the Need for an EV Charging Stations Finder App?

Around 1 million fast-charging stations will be required in the USA if it targets to make 50% of new vehicles electric in 10 years. So, it opens an opportunity for you to do business. You can approach the best Mobile app development firm to build an EV charging station finder App. People can find the charging stations using your app.

Also Read: How an app can help you dominate your competitors

  • You can search using the app for the type of station like public, high-power, and residential.
  • With the help of an interactive map, you can find some stations numbered by the particular EV charging app.
  • You can check the cost, charging status of your vehicle and check the charging history of it using the app.
  • In addition, real-time updated by the EV charging station finder app, you can know about the busy stations.
  • With the help of the app, you can share your experience about the particular station as well.

Now you must have understood the need for an electric vehicle charging station finding app.

But there are already some apps providing the above services! How will you make your app popular and more valuable among the masses?

For this, know about the best-emerging technologies to adopt this year. These technologies will help you and your app developers to make your app stand out in the crowd.

If you want to know how the app will work, read below.



How Does an Electric Vehicle Charging Finder App Work?

You can use the EV charging station finder app to find a nearby charging location easily and quickly. For this, you have to follow the below steps. Likewise, you can know the work of the app.

  1. Register
  2. Charging Station Detail
  3. Location
  4. Filter
  5. Booking
  6. Payment
  • Register: The very first step is that you have to register on an EV charging station finder app. Almost all apps ask you to first register so that you can have your account and all the details.
  • Charging Station Detail: Once you have completed the registration process, you can check for the charging stations. For this, turn on the location on your device to find the stations near you.
  • Location: Select the location for which you want to find the EVSE station. The app will show you some results as per your location.
  • Filter: As you will receive the list of the nearby stations, you can filter them according to your vehicle category HEV, PHEV, and BEH. Moreover, you can select according to the cost.
  • Booking: Once you have selected the station, now book your slot. Likewise, you can know whether the station is busy or not.
  • Payment: It is the last step to finally book the slot for the Electric vehicle charging station. Ask your Mobile app development agency to integrate multiple payment gateways for the users.

Most Taxi drivers need this type of app because they have to charge the battery many times in a day. Know about the Taxi booking app development solutions, if you also plan to build a taxi app.



Types of Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles are divided into some categories. Read about them below so that you can develop an EV charging station finder app with all the necessary options for the users.

  1. Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)
  2. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)
  3. Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)

Move ahead to know about each category in detail.

  • Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV): HEV vehicles combine a conventional internal combustion engine propulsion system with an electric propulsion system. HEV uses fuel as the primary source of power. Besides, this type of vehicle doesn’t need an external electrical source to recharge.
  • Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV): It uses rechargeable energy storage devices, which means you can charge the PHEV using the electric vehicle charging stations. In addition, you can run this type of vehicle using fuels like gasoline, diesel, and petrol.
  • Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV): BEV is cost-effective to run because you don’t have to use fuel, instead you have to use EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment) to charge its electric motor.

People also like to read: How to create an on-demand fuel delivery solution?

Business Model of EV Charging Station App

Electric vehicles have several benefits that are why world economies are promoting these types of vehicles. EVs save fuel, money, give high performance, & clean up Earth.

According to GlobeNewswire, the electric vehicle charging infrastructure market value is estimated to reach more than US$60 billion by 2027. So, if you are planning to have an EV charging finder app for monetization opportunities, some business models you can follow. Two are mentioned below.


Through sidebars, displays, and videos you can allow some advertisement companies to promote their products on your app. With this most standard money-making method, you can earn a handsome amount.


In this type of model, you can make money by giving membership to the users who subscribe to the app. So, whenever a user subscribes to the app, he will have to pay membership fees.

But, when you can earn money using these two models in any other industry-specific apps as well, why Invest in an EV charging station app? Let’s read the points below.

  • EVs charging station finder app idea has low competition.
  • The EV market is anticipated to grow around 26% from 2021 to 2030.
  • According to the Association for Convenience & Fuel Retailing, the USA has around 150,000 EV charging stations.
  • Subsidies & tax rebates by the government give a boost to the number of EV users & finally apps.

So, investing in an EV charging station locator app can be beneficial for your business. Move ahead to know about the key features your app must-have.

Key Features of an EV Charging Station Finder App



EV charging station finder app provides various facilities to the users related to the EV. This is all possible with some features.

  1. 1. Sign Up
  2. 2. Profile
  3. 3. Geolocation
  4. 4. Charging Stations
  5. 5. Slot Booking
  6. 6. Payment Modes
  7. 7. Feedback
  8. 8. Push Notification
  9. 9. History
  10. 10. AI Chatbot
  11. 11. Reward Points

It is the list of the features. Now know about each feature one by one below.

  • Sign Up: A new user has to register on the app by providing details like email ID, Phone number, or he can use the social account for registration.
  • Profile: Once you have registered on the app, you can edit your profile and organize the information. You can add the vehicle number and model number.
  • Geolocation: Until and unless the app knows your location it can’t provide you detail regarding the nearby location for EV charging stations. You can manually look for the station by entering the location.
  • Charging Stations: The list of charging stations as per the need of the users makes the process for picking the suitable station. You can filter the stations according to your need.
  • Slot Booking: You can book the slot and go charging your vehicle when you get time. This feature will help you avoid queuing for charging the vehicle at the station.
  • Payment Mode: When you hire a firm to develop an EV charging station finder app, make sure you inform it to include multiple payment methods.
  • Feedback: After using the app, you can give feedback on the app. It is important for the improvement of the service.
  • Push Notification: You can get updates regarding the nearby charging stations through push notifications and reminders for the upcoming bookings.
  • History: You can know about the history of billing, power consumed, cost, and more, by just checking the history feature in the app.
  • AI Chatbot: AI chatbot has become crucial to respond to the queries of the users at any time. Find how to choose an AI app development company to have an advanced app for your business.
  • Reward Points: If the users use the app on a regular basis, they can earn some reward points. Likewise, vouchers, free membership for a particular time, and promotional coupons.

These are some of the important features, you can include more features in your app as per your need. But do you know how to add any feature and make it attractive front-end and back-end developers use some technologies? Let’s know about the tech stack of the EV charging station app.

Essential Technology Stack For EV Charging Station App

A suitable technology stack makes the app development cost-effective and user-friendly. For this, a team of professionals uses tools and technologies to complete the app effectively. Hence, when you hire an on-demand app development agency, know about the tech stack in advance. Have a look at the table below that lets you know about the tech stack of an EV charging station locator app.

Development Types Technologies
1. Mobile Platforms Kotlin, Flutter, React Native, Swift
2. Front-end HTML, VueJS, ReactJS, CSS
3. Back-end NodeJS, Laravel, Python, Golang
4. Push Notifications Twilio, Push, Firebase Cloud Messaging
5. Database PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis
6. Payments Ewallets, Stripe, Paypal, Braintree
7. Cloud Services Google Cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure
8. Find Location Google Maps, Google places API, Location Framework

So, a team of developers works on your project because they have to take care of several things. Tech stack plays a crucial role to define the cost of app development. You can know about the cost to design a mobile app because front-end development has a major role in determining the cost.

Read the below section to have an idea of the cost of app development.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop an EV Charging Station Finder App?

As you know, several technologies are used to develop the app, so the estimated development cost is $10,000-$200,000. It is not fixed, what would be the price because different clients ask for different features and functions in the app.

Likewise, if your project is big and requires more effort and a large team, the price can increase. In the same way, the price can decrease, if you go for standard app development and your project is simple so there is no need for a big team.

Now, scroll down to know about the EV charging network providers.

What Are Some Major EV Charging Network Providers?

It’s an infrastructure system for charging stations where you recharge EV. Several cars and other vehicle manufacturers create networks. So that clients can have access to public charging when they can’t charge the EV at home. Here are some network providers.

  1. 1. Blink
  2. 2. EVGO
  3. 3. Tesla
  4. 4. Volta

Get quick information about each provider.

  • Blink: It is owned by car charging groups, and you don’t have to be a member to use it. However, if you want to save money, go for a membership status with this network provider.
  • EVGO: It maintains around 1200 DC fast chargers in more than 33 states. Like Blink, you don’t need to subscribe, but you have a choice.
  • Tesla: A Supercharger is the name of the network owned by Tesla. It has more than 1600 charging stations worldwide.
  • Volta: This network provider is based in San Francisco and has around 700 stations that cover around 10 states.

If you are thinking about how to find the right company for app development, you have reached the right piece of information. Read the below section to know about Technource.



Why Choose Us for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Finder App?

You can choose Technource because it’s a leading software development company in the USA for EV charging station finder app development. The reasons for selecting us are mentioned below.

  1. 1. 9+ Years Experience
  2. 2. Dedicated Developers
  3. 3. Use of Latest Technologies
  4. 4. Affordable Prices
  5. 5. Successful Records
  6. 6. NDA
  • 9+ Years Experience: We have been providing software development services to different organizations, businesses, and entrepreneurs since 2012.
  • Dedicated Developers: The team of dedicated developers understands the features you want in the app and works accordingly to offer value.
  • Use of Latest Technologies: Our developers use technologies like Artificial Intelligence, AR, VR, Cloud computing, etc. Likewise, they use frameworks like Ionic, Phonegap, React, Angularjs, and others.
  • Affordable Prices: We understand your requirements and our business analyst lets you know about the price. So, the cost depends on the type of app you want.
  • NDA: We have worked on more than 1000 projects & this is because clients showed faith in us. A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) plays a crucial role in it because we protect your idea through it.

These are some reasons why you should choose Technource. Know how to hire Mobile app developers in 2022, if you have decided to develop an EV charging finder app.

Wrapping Up

EV charging station finder app development can be a great business idea because more people will move to have EVs. Likewise, this type of vehicle offers several benefits to the people and our environment as well. So, contact an on-demand app development company like Technource today and hire skilled developers today for a robust and scalable mobile app.



Yogesh Kumar works at a top WordPress development company, Technource as a Digital Marketing Manager. He is a passionate individual who has in-depth knowledge of SEO and uses natural search expertise to attain and sustain maximum marketing share for organic search across the industry. With his passion for writing, he delivers many informative articles and blogs on software development, that help many people to improve their knowledge of emerging technologies, and website & app development. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Newsbreak, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites. He likes to cook in his free time and discover new recipes.

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