The right vendor to develop a mobile app is not easy to find. A company has to write complete details of the project impeccably including business needs, unique requirements, and budget. Crafting a comprehensive Request …

RFP (Request for Proposal) serves as the guiding document that outlines the company’s requirements and objectives. RFP is written when you are searching for developers for a website or application. It is a structured document …

Are you going to start your entrepreneurial journey this year? Wondering about the perfect tech partner for your startup dreams? PHP can be the right choice and become a great part of your tech stack. …

PHP is a popular and flexible scripting language that is used extensively across various applications. It powers more than 50% of websites online. It indicates that PHP offers great benefits over other programming languages and …

Here’s the Complete Process of String Concatenation in JavaScript String concatenation is a fundamental operation in JavaScript. It combines two or more strings into one. Developers use Javascript concatenate strings in manipulating and displaying text, …

Introduction Want to add Electronic Data Interchange to your business processes and move in the list of 80% of businesses that use EDI? Electronic Data Interchange helps to go along with a fast-paced business environment. …

Thinking about making a video streaming app like Netflix? Awesome!. But hold on a second. Before diving into creating an app, you need to prepare yourself. Creating a cool video app is fun, but making …

Every startup begins with the aim of first surviving in the high competition and spreading its services for robust establishment. A robust and scalable website or application plays a crucial role in the same. Stakeholders …

In the world of computers, processes need to talk to each other. That is where inter-process communication comes in. It’s like a conversation between different programs, which is crucial for modern computing. In this blog …

AI, large data, big data, and now Synthetic Data. In the evolving landscape of machine learning, the competition for robust diverse, and abundant data fuels innovation.

PHP is a widely-used programming language commonly used for back-end development of applications and websites. PHPStorm 2023.3 is the latest Integrated Development Environment that highly understands your code. It is important to stay up-to-date with …

Introduction Process improvement and optimization need two important methodologies Value Stream Mapping and Process Mapping for effective and enhanced operations. While both share the goal of making processes more efficient, they differ in approaches and …

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    Technource started a decade back as a web and mobile application development company with a vision of solving complex business problems with ingenious software applications, and evolved to be a serious contender in Augmented Reality, Artificial intelligence, blockchain and IoT services to change the world rapidly. With innovation being our core value throughout, we always strived to deliver quality solutions to support your business ecosystem through Agile development methodology and best in class technical competence.

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