Why is Mobile App Research Important & How to Conduct It?

Around 3740 apps get launched on the Google play store every day. It’s a huge number that shows how fierce is competition. 99.5% of apps get failed, an astounding fact but true. Poor mobile app research is one of the crucial reasons for app failure. The more serious and thorough research, the more chances of app success.

Businesses want to launch their software products as soon as possible so they avoid intense mobile app market research because it requires patience and time. Our app development company focuses on thorough research in which it checks business model, understands mobile app idea, and industry trends, and then perform market research for a successful mobile app.

Market research is an inevitable part of app development. If you don’t have clue about what is market research, you have landed on the right blog. Here you will get to know all the crucial information about what is market research for a mobile app idea and how to conduct research.

What Is Market Mobile App Research?

Market research for mobile apps is a process of conducting competitor analysis to develop an effective and robust app. It takes place long before your product development begins to find who is the target audience of an app and what it wants to see.

When you create an app from scratch, you need to be aware of industry trends that are possible to find after in-depth market research. It helps not only in app development but also in marketing campaigns and how to market apps. If you conduct market research effectively, the rest of the tasks will become easy for you.

Why Is Market Research Important for Smartphone App Development?

Whatever steps are taken to make a sales and marketing strategy, they are all important in some sense. If you know their importance you can understand why is market research important. I don’t want to pad my post with fluffy content so let’s jump straight to the reasons for making app marketing strategies.

  1. You can find the demand and pain points of the audience
  2. Know the psychology of potential customers
  3. Find the weaknesses and strengths of rivals
  4. Understand the market trends

You can get the answers to the below questions by performing market research.

  1. Why is market research crucial?
  2. Who is your target audience and what is its preference?
  3. Is your business model for a mobile app viable?
  4. What obstacles you can face while app development
  5. What is SWOT analysis to find pros and cons?
  6. How to observe the competitor’s app’s features through competitive analysis?
  7. What is crucial for a minimum viable product?

The image shows the number of downloads of iOS and Android apps from the 3rd quarter of 2016 to the 3rd quarter of 2022.



Research for the iOS and Android apps would be almost the same. However, at some points, you have to be specific according to the target group and development platform. Certain features are available in Android apps and not in iOS. So you have to build a better understanding.

Aspects of Market Research

The aspects of market research are categorized into two parts Primary research and secondary research. We will know about both aspects in detail below.

  • Primary Research
  • Secondary Research



1. Primary Research

Primary research is the type of research you can conduct yourself. It directly connects you to the prospective customer or audience. Here are some examples of primary research for the best strategies as follows.

  • Interviews (Telephone or Face to face)
  • Questionnaire (Online and Mail)
  • Focus Groups
  • Visits to competitors’ locations
  • Surveys
  1. 1. Interviews (Telephone or Face to face)

    Interviews are one-to-one sessions that can be conducted over the phone or face to face, with a group, or with an individual. A series of questions are asked in interviews to conclude and gain in-depth information about something.An ample amount of information is gathered from a small source of knowledge. It is often conducted with a subject matter expert to get an insight of knowledge on the issue.

  2. 2. Questionnaire (Online and Mail)

    A questionnaire is a common research method. It is a fast, efficient, and inexpensive way of conducting research to make a business plan for an app. You can figure out the subject’s behavior, attitudes, preferences, and intentions. It is an effective answer to the question of how to market app.

  3. 3. Focus Groups

    When you collect information from small groups, it is called focus groups to collect information. They are subject experts who share their knowledge, experience, and information with organizations or individuals. Every member of a group can share his thoughts.

  4. 4. Visits to Competitors’ Locations

    You can go to the competitor’s location and collect information to make market research strategies. It is a direct way to find information about competitors. However, you may have to face some problems while collecting data as not all companies share their information.

  5. 5. Surveys

    You can reach a large number of people through a survey to gather information. Questions in the survey are generally multiple-choice questions. They are simple and easy to answer for people. A survey is a conventional way of doing research and many businesses and organizations have been using it.You can gather two basic kinds of information through primary research.

    1. Explanatory: It shows, whether your research is open-ended or general. It involves sometimes lengthy interviews.
    2. Specific: As the name implies, this research is more precise. Likewise, it is used for explanatory research.

2. Secondary Research

This type of research is gathered, organized, and compiled by others’ existing research. That’s why you can find reports, studies by government agencies, and trade associations. Most research is secondary because it is faster and more affordable than other research. You can find out about the latest technology trends.

You can find out materials on secondary research by using some keywords online. Also you can find articles, magazines, journals, and others. Examples of secondary research sources are as follows.

  1. Encyclopedia
  2. Articles
  3. Trade Journals
  4. Blogs
  5. Industry Publications
  6. Government Agencies


Marketing Strategy for Mobile App Research

Do you want to make your mobile app development successful? For this, focus on the below points.

  • Mobile App Idea Validation
  • Defining the Target Audience
  • Conducting Competitor Analysis
  • Gather Relevant Data
  • Be Aware of Social Media Updates
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Don’t be Afraid of Revamping
      1. 1. Mobile App Idea Validation

      2. Mobile-App-Idea-Validation-600x452
      3. First of all, check the validation of your app development idea. If there is no need for your app in the market then there is no point in developing it. You can get it with the help of little research. If you see, the market needs of your app, then you should proceed with further steps.

        You must also focus on why would not people like your app. Conduct market research to analyze whether people actually need your mobile application or not. This apparent market research helps a lot to make the right decision at the first point.

      4. 2. Defining the Target Audience

      5. Defining-the-Target-Audience-600x452
      6. Knowing the target audience of your app helps to find potential users. According to present market conditions, the target audience can be vast. However, you should not ignore the research findings for the target audience because it narrows your research results.

        You must have the basic details like age, location, language, gender, and others of your target customers. The information varies as per the need of your app idea. Analyze the data to find the demographics of your target audience.

      7. 3. Competitor Analysis

      8. Conducting-Competitor-Analysis-600x452
      9. Competitor analysis is a crucial step that helps you know who are your competitors, what are they up to, what strategies they have followed, and what worked for them and what did not. You can find the key aspects of app engagement and include the improvised features of those competitor apps.

        Your mobile should be unique and 100% original then you can beat competitors in the market. Otherwise, there are thousands of apps with similar ideas. You can make an app that fills the gap between your competitor’s shortcomings.

      10. 4. Gather Relevant Data

      11. Gather-Relevant-Data-600x452
        1. Google Trends: It provides data based on the popularity of some keywords. You can get information in graphs, and charts on Google trends. With the specific concepts, you will have enough data through Google trends.
        2. Statista: It is a large-scale statistical data provider in the world. It provides data about 150 countries and 170 industries.
        3. Gartner: By exploring and assessing technologies, you can make the right decisions about applications, and companies across the globe.
        4. Gallup: It is a Washington-based analytics organization. Its articles are authentic because after thorough research it prepares content for the audience.
        5. Knoema: You can visualize, explore and manage data with the help of the Knoema platform. Ready to get some more information from this platform.
        6. Pew Research: It is also the best platform to gather data from. It brings authentic information to you after conducting polls and surveys. You can find information inclined to demographics, politics, trends, and social issues in Pew research.

          Gathering relevant data is one of the crucial aspects of a development team for research. But it should be meaningful and related to your app idea otherwise you can lost in the data abounded with irrelevant information and end up wasting all your time. Here are simple ways to find authenticated and relevant data.

      12. 5. Be Aware of Social Media Updates

      13. Be-Aware-of-Social-Media-Updates-600x452
      14. Being in the digital world, we can’t ignore social media’s impacts on research and trends in the market. Even many trends are made by social media. So, you must be aware of social media updates so that you can know what people like and what not. It will help you design the app according to trends. Various design frameworks for a mobile app are available, so you can use them.

      15. 6. SWOT Analysis

      1. SWOT-Analysis-600x452
      2. SWOT analysis gives a complete insight into the company’s condition. In the same way, you need to analyze the condition of your app idea as well. Check out the below table to understand SWOT.


    1. Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats
      How Does It Help? What is the strength of the app idea? Assess the weakness of Your app idea What can help your app to grow? Identify the threats
      What to Do? 1. List all the advantages Changes in revenue generation. Identify shortcomings of competitors List challenges that you find.
      2. Define USP Understand what to discard Identify the user behavior pattern Identify funding issues
      3. Define the app’s goal List some improvement factors Discover the latest technology trends Find out if your app is in sync with industry standards
    2. 7. Don’t be Afraid of Revamping

    3. Dont-be-Afraid-of-Revamping-600x452
    4. At the last moment you generally don’t want to make changes because you think it will make you late and need more effort. But leaving a small mistake unresolved becomes big in the future. So, if you think there is a need to make changes again do it without any hesitation.

      Check all the aspects of the app from design to functioning and come up with an impeccable result. If there is a need of revamping designs, take the help of experienced designers. Moreover, know the difference between UI and UX designs for an engaging software solution.

    5. iOS-apps-after-intense-research-about-app-trends


Market Research for a New App

If your idea is new or completely different from other apps, you have to be aware of some things. This awareness will help you turn your dream app into a digital reality. Here are  some challenges that a person has to face who wants an app.

  1. How to get authentic customer feedback?
  2. How to know about consumer behavior?
  3. Where to get the relevant insights?
  4. How to know if insufficient research is conducted?
  5. How to find indirect competitors?
  6. What if people don’t like the unique idea?

Numerous questions revolve in the mind when you have a new idea. These questions appear out of fear and curiosity which is good. So that you can think of all the possibilities. So, whenever you have questions note down them in a diary. It will help you focus on each query effectively.

When you hire an on-demand app development company, you will be able to ask more questions. It will help to eliminate the doubts and your thoughts would be clear eventually for mobile app development.

Also Read: How to come up with a new app idea to make money?

Turn Your Ideas Into a Reality with Technource

Turning an app idea into reality takes you through many stages. You may see several mobile apps on the iOS and Android platforms, but they require a mobile app development team to complete the app impeccably. Technource has been offering robust, scalable, and engaging apps to clients in the USA, Canada, The UK, Australia, and India.

Many businesses approach us with their unique app and web ideas. Before we begin mobile app development, we analyze the marketing strategy for the business model because it helps to know the target audience which is crucial for developing the app according to user needs. Our professional developers take the help of a cross-platform app development framework to make platform-independent apps.

You can get mobile app development services within your budget from top company Technource. Our development team knows how to develop an iOS app and an Android app with innovative features. We offer mobile app development services for sectors like education, healthcare, real estate, travel, food and beverages, and others.

Wrapping Up

You can create an amazing marketing strategy after conducting thorough research. So, focus on the mobile app development research methods. Follows them before building an app and ensure the success of your app. Since marketing strategy has become an inevitable part of the app development life cycle, you should not take research methods lightly.

Define your target audience, analyze your competitors, consider social media trends and good trends, and much more before you set about an app for mobile devices. So, follow the best marketing strategies and launch your app with a bang.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the CAGR of the mobile app market in 2022?


How to know if your app is liked by customers?


How long does it take to develop an app?


What is the cost of mobile app development?




Yogesh Kumar works at a top WordPress development company, Technource as a Digital Marketing Manager. He is a passionate individual who has in-depth knowledge of SEO and uses natural search expertise to attain and sustain maximum marketing share for organic search across the industry. With his passion for writing, he delivers many informative articles and blogs on software development, that help many people to improve their knowledge of emerging technologies, and website & app development. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Newsbreak, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites. He likes to cook in his free time and discover new recipes.

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